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Before the fight:

Laxus stood in the clearing confused. The rain pouring down on him. This is where Jellal told the old geezer the dark guild was, but there's nothing here. It was just an empty clearing. However, he was obviously wrong because a woman's voice suddenly rang across the empty clearing.

"What brings you here Laxus Dreyer, the lightning dragon slayer from fairy tail?" A woman's amused voice asked, a body appearing out of thin air.

Laxus turned his eyes to her and kept his calm composure. Even though his hands were in his pockets, he was still on guard. However, it did surprise Laxus how much this woman looked like Gajeel. She could literally be like a female version of Gajeel, minus the piercings. They could've been related. And here he thought Natsu was only exaggerating or being an idiot like usual...

"Who are you?" Laxus asked bluntly, wanting to be sure that this is the woman he's been searching for.

"I'm Olivia, I'm the Master of the dark guild you're looking for." Olivia replied with a smirk.

"How did you know I was looking for you?" Laxus asked suspicion laced in his voice.

"I have my ways. I also know you came here to bargain for Levy McGarden's freedom. To tell you the truth, I'm surprised you are here and not Gajeel." She said amused, everything sounded like a game to her.

Laxus narrowed his eyes at her. She knew too much.

"Gajeel doesn't think clearly when he's furious. What do you want in return for Levy?" Laxus asked calmly.

"That's going to be a steep price Dragon slayer, cause you see she's actually quite useful to me." Olivia said with a sigh, the amusement never leaving her voice.

"What's your price?" Laxus asked again.

"Well you see sweetheart, I'll let her go in return for the woman heading here right now, but only if Levy doesn't dispel her rune." She answered tapping her chin like she was thinking.

"What if she does dispel it?" Laxus asked wondering what rune she was talking about.

"I'll kill her, alongside her blond haired friend, Lucy I believe, and the woman heading here right now." She shrugged.

"Who is the woman who's heading here?" Laxus asked tensely, it meant that someone was following him and he had a pretty good idea who that was.

"You'll see when she gets here. However, I'll make you a second deal as well..." Olivia said as she chuckled.

"And what deal would that be?" Laxus asked with a raised eyebrow.

"I'm taking that woman regardless if we strike a deal or not, but you can trade yourself for her freedom. You can make a choice then. Until then let's have some fun." She smirked disappearing again, but in her place, an army appeared...

Laxus sighed as he took his hands out of his pockets while the army started to run to him, screaming their battle cries. Laxus calmly took off his coat and dropped it next to him, cracking his knuckles as they neared. The army started attacking him as they reached him and he fought back without showing them any mercy. He was well into the fighting and he already took down a lot of the enemies however as he turned his head his eyes landed on familiar blue eyes. Oh no...

"Mira." Laxus said, at that moment he knew he was screwed.

Laxus scowled. He wasn't about to give her up to a woman in the slave trading industry.


Laxus groaned as he slowly woke up. His head was foggy as his eyes opened slowly. Everything around him was blurry. Where was he? Why was he on the floor?

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