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"What do you mean you died?" Laxus asked seriously.

"It's not important, let's just make our escape, we don't have much time until somebody notice." Levy said as she dismissed the matter.

It was something she didn't want to talk or think about it. It was unnerving to think that she died. Levy started walking to the right, away from the torture rooms while Laxus followed her. She wanted to get far away from those rooms...

"You two go on ahead, I'll catch up." Lira said suddenly with a smile making levy and Laxus turn back to her.

"Where are you going?" Levy asked confused.

"Keys." Lira said simply as she laughed while holding up the handcuffs on her wrist.

"Will you be okay without your magic?" Levy asked worriedly.

"Of course." Lira said with a smirk.

She could handle herself without having to use her magic.

"See you on the outside then." Levy said with a small smile.

"Yeah, see you on the outside." Lira repeated with a smile before she turned around and parted ways with the fairy tail wizards.

Sure she wanted to find the keys to the handcuffs she was restraint to for 3 years, but she also wanted to know what Levy wasn't telling her. Lira walked calmly to the place she knew the guy with the keys to the handcuffs where. There wasn't a lot of the dark guild wizards in the hallways because they were all drinking with their buddy's in the hall. Besides security wasn't that tight because nobody has ever attempted to escape like they were.

Lira walked calmly towards a room where they liked to torture people in, her gut told her that the guy would be there and she was right. She opened the door and leaned on the doorway frame. The room was empty, besides the one guy mopping up some blood. The guy didn't seem to notice her at first so lira decided to make her presence known.

"Hi, remember me?" Lira said with a smirk making the guy drop his mop.

Her eyes looked the man up and down until she found the keys that hung from his belt, making her smirk widen.

"You're one of the prisoners." The man said surprised as well as confused.

"You don't say." Lira said amused.

Lira scanned the room, it was slightly too narrow for her taste too start a fight in, but oh well some things can't be helped. Lira pushed herself of the doorway and walked forward.

"Don't get sassy with me, prisoner." The guy growled at Lira as he dropped the mop and charged at her.

They were close to the left wall as he charged her. However, before he could catch her she jumped in the air and used the left wall to propel herself forward. Lira took the chains that held her handcuffs together in her hands and did a front flip over his head, hooking the chain around the man's neck as she flipped over him.

She pulled him down on her back as she landed in a crouching position, making his head hung next to hers.

"I'll get sassy with you anytime I feel like it." Lira said as she scoffed, getting serious.

"How did you escape?" The man asked frightened as he clawed at the chain.

"That is the least of your worries right now. Now tell me, what did you do to Levy or I snap your neck." Lira said seriously.

"She went into cardiac arrest and died. Master used a resurrection spell from Yury's black magic book to revive her, but I don't know which one." The man answered frightened.

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