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Basically Carlos junks up an experiment and is too embarrassed to talk to Cecil and yaaah--

An AU I guess??? Fluffity-Fluff!! c':


Carlos lay on the floor, staring up at the dark-colored ceiling. He blew it. He blew his one chance to look cool in front of the only person who mattered to him. Carlos let out a sigh, watching as a puff of black smoke escaped from his lungs along with it. He couldn't bear to stand up and face the other man in his lab.

"Carlos?" A cheery, but concerned, voice asked "A-Are you alright? That explosion looked pretty bad!"

Carlos continued to lay in silence on the floor. Maybe if he didn't respond, Cecil would just go away. It was probably better that he didn't say anything. Carlos felt that upon opening his mouth all that would come out would be harsh and negative things. He quickly, but quietly, cupped both his hands over his mouth and nose to try and quiet his breathing.

After a few more minutes of silence, Cecil spoke up again:

"I know you're over there Carlos! Why won't you answer me?"

Carlos noted the hint of sadness in Cecil's voice and immediately shut his eyes. He hated seeing-- well, hearing in this case -- Cecil upset. It just . . . really bothered him. He removed his hands from his face and let out an elongated sigh. Cecil always made him feel better, so it was time to return the favor.

Upon standing up, Carlos only looked at Cecil long enough to see a smile beginning to stretch its way upward on the other man's face. Carlos then ruffled a hand through his own hair in embarrassment and averted his gaze towards the table in front of him, on which the remains of his experiment were scattered about. There were bits of glass everywhere and Carlos winced, just now noticing the many small cuts on his face and hands. Inhaling deeply, he immediately began to cough. There was still a great deal of smoke lingering in the air from the explosion. He quickly glanced back at Cecil only to see the other stifling a giggle.

"Lau . . . ghing?" Carlos managed to spit out in between fits of coughing. He turned away from Cecil and plopped himself down on the floor, pouting like a stuck-up child.

Cecil immediately stopped and hurried over to where Carlos was sitting. "H-Hey don't be like that!" Cecil said kneeling in front of Carlos and putting a had on one of his bloodied cheeks "I didn't mean to laugh at you . . . you're just . . . "

"Just?" Carlos said, waiting for Cecil to continue

"You're just . . . cute, even when you mess up."

Carlos laughed a little and grabbed Cecil's other hand and brought it up to his face. "Thank you" he said as he look over at Cecil, who's smile was as vibrant as ever. Carlos really did appreciate everything Cecil did, even if he didn't always seem happy about it. He watched as Cecil removed his hands and wiped them on his pants, despite there being a sink right behind him. Carlos blinked a few times and began to laugh, a hearty, warm laugh that seemed to fill the room with joy. Before the effect of his laugh could wear off, he leaned forward and planted a kiss on the other man's soft lips. Carlos could feel the heat emanating from Cecil's face and it made him smile, a smile that stayed on his face even as he pulled away from Cecil.

Things were a little awkward between the two for the next few minutes. Cecil sat there in silence while occasionally glancing up at Carlos and Carlos just looked back and smiled his dopey, adorable smile. After a good five minutes passed Carlos decided to speak up:

"I . . . I'm sorry, I thought-- " he stammered. But he didn't have time to finish because Cecil had scooted closer, placed his hands on Carlos's shoulders, and began to kiss him. The two embraced and showed their affections for a moment before splitting apart. The two smiled at each other and stood up, brushing the black dust which had settled on them off of their clothes. They shared another loving glance before beginning to clean up the mess in the lab. It was an arduous task but with their combined efforts they got it done pretty quickly. As Cecil was disposing of the last bit of glass, Carlos walked over and hugged him from behind.

"You're the best assistant I've ever had . . . " Carlos mumbled, resting his head on Cecil's shoulder.

"Lab assistant?" Cecil responded.

" . . . Romantic assistant." The scientist said with a small smile.

They both laughed.

Cecil turned around and the two shared another embrace and a loving kiss, and then headed towards the door, hand-in-hand. As they walked outside, Carlos flicked off the lights and made sure to shut and lock the door to his lab. Cecil looked towards Carlos, smiled, and simply said:

"You're absolutely perfect Carlos!"

And with that, the two continued on their way.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2013 ⏰

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