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- Alice POV -

Being able to sleep was a beautiful thing, however, waking up and knowing that your child is still missing is not. I hear no tiny cries in the morning, signaling me to get up and feed Maggie. Although I hated getting out of bed in the very early morning, there was always happiness in greeting my baby girl. 

Some mornings, when Maggie would wake up screaming, Steve would lean over in bed and kiss me on the cheek and say, "Sleep in. I'll get Maggie.". Then he would rise from the bed and wander into her room. Some mornings, I could hear him mumbling little phrases to her in his 'baby' voice. Honestly, it's the cutest thing ever. 

I miss those morning so much.


I dig fresh clothes out of the drawer in Steve's room. I steal one of his white, over sized cotton shirts and combine it with a pair of my black exercise shorts. I fold the clothing over my arm and walk over to the bathroom door, knocking quietly. Steve opens the door, wearing nothing but a towel around his waist. Water droplets drip down his chest and his hair was sloppily laying off to one side. I was still in my pajamas.

"I saved you some hot water." He says as he passes by me.

A strong gust of steam comes rolling out of the bathroom, almost blowing me over. The heat was intense. But the aroma of his body wash and shampoo didn't smell that bad! If it's this hot, he used more hot water then he says he did.

"Are you sure you saved me hot water?" I question as I walk into the bathroom and place my clothes on the edge of the sink. I walk over to the shower and pull the lever up and ice cold water comes raining down. I jump back and shake the icy water off of my arm. In a matter of seconds, hot water comes raining down.

"I could've used it all up, but seeing as I am a nice person and I love you, I left you some hot water." He peeks his head into the bathroom. "I believe that could be classified as something as the kids these days are calling 'relationship goals'?"

"I thought I told you to stay off of Instagram and Pinterest?" I pause for a second and crossed my arms. I find it humorous that he even knows what it is.

Steve, who would normally smirk at his slight mischief, didn't offer even a slight smirk. He remained expressionless and continued on with his activities. "Clint removed the block you placed on the apps on my phone."

I shake my head as I walk over to the door, placing my hand on the doorknob. "Of course he did." I mumble softly as I begin to shut the door. Steve's hand catches the door.

"Alice, wait." His hand pushes the door open and he takes his hands in mine. The warm touch of his damp skin sends shivers down my spine. Silence falls between us before he speaks again. "We can't go on like this forever." 

His words hang in the air and silence continues to surround us. The words that escaped his lips are words that I never wanted to hear, but I knew that I would be forced to hear them. 

We can't go on like this forever.

The heavy presence of depression lingers around us both. It is almost as if it were a phantom with long icy, black claws that emerge from it's dark fingertips. It's icy hand is closing on my throat and forcing me into the darkest of states.

I clench my jaw. "I'm not giving up this easily, and I know that you won't either."

Steve shakes his head and turns away from the door. I take a few steps and gently push the door back open. I lean against the door frame and cross my arms. Steve sat down on the bed and folded his hands. His head falls as his looks at his feet.

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