Chapter 1

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--1 year earlier - -

--Beep-- --Beep--

My phone alarm clock rang. I sighed out and rolled over in my bed. Maybe I can savor just a couple of minutes more of sleep. The annoying beeping disappeared , I knew my other alarm would go off signaling me that I won't be able to eat breakfast if I continued to stay in the bed.

I forced myself out of the bed that seemed to be even more  comfortable than before.

I stood up stretching letting out a loud yawn. I couldn't believe this is my last year then I'm leaving for college . I huffed out and shuffled to the bathroom not bothering to look at my face in the mirror.

I stripped out of my pyjamas and then turned on the shower waiting for it to warm up Then getting in it. I bathed myself and accidentally getting my hair wet. I sighed. Fantastic now My hair is going to curl. ..and not the cute wavy curl.  The whole really hard to straighten tight curls.

I just washed off the soap suds and washed my hair then got out.

I wrapped the towel around my body and walked to my room.

I dried my body off and then I did my hair.

I looked at the time and my heart dropped.6:49


I quickly put on some clean bra and panties. I then rushed to my closet I didn't have time to look cute.I sighed and I put on my sweater and then my tights. I slipped on my Tom's. I hurried to My mirror.

My hair didn't look all that bad, I never really wore it this way.I shrugged and kept it the same , I put my eyeliner .I was finished I grabbed my purse then my school bag .

I speed walked out of my room,  and out of my house seeing my two favorite people in the world.Harry and Teddy. Smiling and talking.They were waiting for me as usual, I'm always late that's one of my tragic flaws . I closed the front door and walked to them.

Teddy was simply beautiful her long blonde hair and green eyes that are the same as Harry's.Teddy had a perfect body as for me,  I'm a potato wearing tights.

I approach them and they tore there gazes from each other and there eyes widen.I furrowed my eye brows and looked at each other and burst out laughing.

I frown."What!" I exclaimed feeling insecure.

"Y-your hair" They say in unsion and continued to laugh.

I sighed and walked away from they always make fun of me.We have been best friends for years,everytime I try something different they laugh.

I felt a had on my shoulder and I looked up seeing Harry trying not to laugh. I rolled my eyes.

"Can you leave me alone.. I actually fancy my hair and I don't need two bum holes to ruin my day." I huffed out annoyed.

I felt a small arm interlock mine with there's. I hear Teddy clear her throat" I'm sorry we laughed. .its just we haven't seen your hair like that in a while"

"Like since grade six" Harry chuckled. I stifle a laugh and pushed him playfully. Teddy giggled" Its true" I looked at her and she quickly put her hands up in surrender.

I looked down at my feet and noticed Teddy had moved over to the other side of Harry making Harry in the middle.

I looked up at Harry who staring at Teddy as walked. I sighed feeling annoyed , I knew Harry had a thing for her and she had a thing for him it always made me feel like a third wheel.

I hate that people always assumed that me and Harry are related, just became we both got brown hair. He has green eyes and I have really light blue eyes.How the hell we look the same.

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