Part 15

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Dani transformed their entire backyard. Of course she had help but it was worth everything for Santana. This would be their first official date. Dani sighed as she finished the last lantern and looked at the table where the chefs had set and covered their food. Dani looked at the finished product satisfied. She took off all her makeup and put her hair up knowing Santana liked her best natural. Dani didn't want to overdress, since Santana would be coming straight from work. Dani closed the blinds to the back door and sat casually on the couch until Santana would come home.

Santana sighed as she walked into their house after her long day at work. She put her bag down and kicked off her shoes into the closet by the front door. "Dan?" She asked. The house was quiet and pretty dark, so she wasn't sure if her girlfriend was even home. She knew that Dani had said she'd be there and that she didn't have work, but she may have gotten called in or made a run to the store. She walked into the living room, unbuttoning her blazer and button up on the way, intending to go to the kitchen when she saw her girlfriend. "Hey."

Dani looked up from her phone and smiled sweetly. "Hey babe." Dani got up and greeted her girlfriend with a tender kiss. "I've been waiting all day for you. I know you're a little tired from work but I really need your help in the back yard. I thought I'd start a garden or something and the soil stuff is so heavy, I could only get it to the back porch, well the neighbor could only get it to the porch."

Santana smiled into the kiss. She sighed as Dani spoke and frowned. "Can we please do it when I have a day off? I really just want to eat dinner, take a bath, and go to bed. We had three people call out today and I'm so tired." She said as she wrapped her arms around Dani's waist. "I would love to help you start a garden, just not today." She said tiredly.

"Baby, I just need you to move it to where I need it." Dani said. "Please." She pouted her lips and batted her eyes, pecking Santana's lips. "I promise you won't have to lift another finger after. Just this one tiny thing." Dani begged and kept the pout on her lips.

Santana sighed and kissed her back. "How did you move all those bodies? You should be able to move some damn bags of soil. Don't we have a wheelbarrow or a dolly?" She frowned, but started heading toward the back door. "You're lucky I love you. Where do you want me to move it to? And you have to help me, I'm not doing it myself." She pushed the door open and paused in the doorway. "Babe. What is this?" She asked with a small smile as she looked over the lanterns and table.

"I did. No we don't because we've never had use for one." Dani rolled her eyes at her girlfriend. "Just do it." She urged. She smiled as Santana paused and asked her the question. "I'm taking you on a date." She beamed and took Santana's hand and led her to the table. "Sit." She said pulling out her chair.

Santana rolled her eyes right back. "Then buy one." She sighed happily. "Technically, you're not taking me anywhere. But this is amazing. Thank you." She kissed Dani quickly before sitting down in the seat that her girlfriend had pulled out for her. "Our first official date." She smiled as she took Dani's hand from across the table after the woman sat down in her own seat. "I love you. And I really hope you don't have anything against sex on a first date." She joked with a wink.

Dani rolled her eyes and sat across from Santana and took the lids off of the plates. She smiled and nodded. "Our first official date." She repeated and leaned over the table to peck Santana's lips again. "We're in love on the first date, might as well just get married tomorrow." She joked and sipped her wine.

Santana looked down at the food and grinned. "My favorite. Thank you." She kissed her back before picking up her own wine glass. She laughed after swallowing. "Yea, my mother would kill us." She joked. "Let's just start with this first date before talking about marriage." She smiled over at Dani before she picked up her fork and took a bite of the food. "This is so good." She moaned as she chewed.

Dani laughed and nodded. "I paid someone to do it so I'd hope it was good." Dani noted and took a bite of her own. "I'm very happy." She said reaching over and taking Santana's hand and locking their fingers together. "Beyond happy."

Santana laughed. "Cheater. You should've cooked this yourself." She said with a smile to let Dani know she was only joking. "Me too." She squeezed their entwined hands and took a sip of her wine. "How long have you known that you're in love with me? When did you start to like me like that?" She asked before she continued to eat.

"Do you see all these lights? I hand lit them all myself and decorated this whole back yard, I didn't have time." She said waving her free hand around them. Dani was a little taken back by the question she bit her lip and thought for a moment. "Hm, do you remember when I caught Jake cheating on me and was completely heartbroken because I thought he was my first love and to distract me we had sex but it wasn't normal it was slow and passionate and the best orgasm I've ever had. That's when. So, I guess I would say that I have been repressing my love for you for about eight years." She answered.

Santana nodded. "Mmhmm." She bit her lip as Dani spoke and her eyes widened. She almost choked on the wine she'd just drank. "What?" She asked once she could breathe and speak. She shook her head trying to figure out how she hadn't noticed before. "I'm sorry." She squeezed the hands gently. "You always said and agreed that we were just best friends. I never knew."

Dani shrugged. "Of course you never knew. I didn't want you to know and I didn't want to accept it. I would rather have you as my best friend than anything else but we're adults now so I think we can handle it." Dani said finishing off the last of her food. "I love you and even if this doesn't end up how I want it, I am content with the fact that no one can give you better orgasms than me." She teased and sipped her wine.

Santana frowned, but nodded. She understood where Dani was coming from, but was happy that she had finally told her. "Well, from what I've always been told, marrying your best friend is the best." She grinned as she sat back and sipped on her wine after finishing off her dinner. She rolled her eyes and shook her head. "I love you. We can't predict the future, just hope for the best and work towards what we want." She said as she took the last sip of her wine. "Hmm, you'd like to think that, wouldn't you? But if I remember correctly, there were a couple of guys that came very close to the orgasms you've given me, maybe even surpassed you." She smirked, hoping that her words would have the desired effect.

Dani nodded. Dani was just glad she could finally be honest with herself and Santana about her feelings. One thing Dani was good at was hiding things but after what they had been through in the last year she didn't feel the need or desire to hide things from Santana anymore. She didn't have anything to hide anymore really. Setting her empty glass down she cocked her eyebrow at Santana and let her hand go. "Go fuck them then." She huffed and crossed her arms over her chest as she rolled her eyes.

Santana shook her head. "Didn't know you were into that kind of thing." She joked. "Babe, I was just kidding, someone's gotta knock that ego of yours back a little though." She said as she stood and walked around the table to her girlfriend. "C'mon. Let's clean up all the fire hazards and then go inside."

"You're not funny. New rule, we're not allowed to talk about past partners because I am a trained killer and will be jealous enough to hurt someone." Dani said as she got up. She kissed Santana deeply. "I'm gonna make sure you and the whole neighborhood understands that you are mine." Dani blew out all the lanterns on her side and waited in the door for Santana.

"I'm hilarious. But that's fine by me, not that I'd name names anyway." Santana said. She kissed Dani back before moving to blow out the lanterns. She walked over to Dani and wrapped her arms around her shoulders. "Thank you. This was an amazing first date. I love you." She leaned in and kissed Dani sweetly.

"Don't test me." Dani warned. Dani's hands drifted down to Santana's ass and smiled. "I love you more." She said kissing her back just as sweetly. Dani squeezed and lifted Santana up, holding her by her ass. "Let's get you in bed."

Santana shook her head with a smile. "Never." She moaned at Dani's hands on her ass and wrapped her arms and legs around her girlfriend. "Sounds good to me." She said kissing and sucking Dani's neck, marking it up, as Dani walked them to their room. 

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