Chapter 24

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Mira's POV

Its been four weeks since Lucy left. When Natsu woke up with no memories of Lucy or his abilities. He knows he's missing something, he's asked but we only say 'we don't know' or 'What could you be missing?' He's asked about Lucy's necklace that was around his neck. We simply shrug. Natsu knows about us experiments just not about him or Lucy. It's painful to watch. Natsu has been having nightmares, waking up either screaming or sobbing. His dreams are about Lucy obviously, but Natsu says that he doesn't remember what's in the dreams. I know now, what Lucy meant by 'Natsu's fate Is decided of his memories of me' Or his memories of Lucy is what I meant. If Natsu remembered, he'd go to hell and back just to get her. If one of us even mutters a thing about Lucy around him, he might try to find her. Happy stuck by Natsu's side ever since Lucy left. Well Lucy did tell Happy to protect Natsu. So I think he's doing just that.

I sigh and put my head in my hand. "I don't think I can do this. Just look at him Master" Natsu had his head in his hands. He looked, sad, lonely, and hurt. "Hm. I will not go against Lucy's orders. Plus I believe in her. She'll be back. If not...Then we'll lose him too." He sips on his alcohol. I sigh then nod. "I know. But look at him. I feel sorry for him." "Hm. All we can do now is wait." He mutters. I nod then start cleaning a glass.

(Ah! I have no ideas on this side! You might see more of Lucy than planned. Oh well!)

Lucy's POV

I hide in a dark alleyway. A cloak covering all of my features. 'What am I missing?' Natsu thinks. I narrow my eyes sadly. I've heard his every thought. I never replied to any. I shake my head. Anyways. I was hiding from Alvarez. They reinforced their helicopters so I can't destroy them. I can only hide. Kikuo wont stop following me. But is he that obsessed? Who's the creator of Alvarez? "You can't hide 4563B!" I roll my eyes then activate my chameleon form and I blend in with the walls, my clothes blending in as well. Two soldiers run down the alley, trying to find me. I look up and see a window. I face the wall then climb it, my chameleon form allowing me to do so easily. I quietly open the window and slide in. I pull my hood down further and walk across the room and hop out the open window.

I look up at the giant building. No windows. I simply climb up the wall, I was still in chameleon form. I  climb up to the roof and see two guards. Since I was invisible, I simply walk past them and quietly open the door leading to the top floor. I enter then quietly close the door. I look around. I sigh then I reach into my pocket. I pull out a bag of flour. I grab a handful and throw it in the air. Red lasers then appear in the hall. I dodge all of the lasers. I pull my hood further down and walk further down the hall. There was an open door. I roll my eyes. An obvious trap. I take a step forward, only for a giant metal cage fall down and cage me in. I squeak and touch the bars. I scream and get electrocuted. I instantly touch the red dot on my necklace.

"Well...I was right. You are smart and yet dumb." I snap my head up and glare. "Who the fuck are you!?" 'Something doesn't feel right, where is Mira and the others going? They wont tell me.' I hear Natsu think. I ignore his thought and glare at the man. He had black hair and black eyes. "My name is Zeref. Yours is Lucy Heartfilia or number 4563B am I right? Now where's your other half?" I cross my arms. "How should I know! I never found him!" Zeref strokes his chin. "We'll get answers from you. Night, night" He snaps his fingers and everything goes black as I collapse on the floor

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