"It felt like the first time I've ever killed a man." Damien says with a final sigh to his Therapist sitting across from him. Rick Remington, not a name Damien could forget lightly, seeing how Rick's doctor and psychology credentials were plastered on every wall in this room that was way too white for Damien's taste. This was Damien's 6th therapy session with Rick. From what Damien could gather, Rick was the quiet, listening type of Therapist. Not one who talked or asked too many questions. Damien liked it at first but now it was beginning to freak him out. Especially today. Damien was telling Rick a story of the time he had killed a man in his dreams, how vivid and morbid it was. Damien thought for sure it would have freaked Rick out but it didn't, Rick remained as composed as usual. Damien sat there for awhile, watching Rick write away on the yellow pad of paper. It was so quiet you could almost hear the words Rick was writing. Oh yep, that was a "T" Rick just wrote.
"So in this dream. You told me that you killed someone but you never told me who. Who did you kill Damien?" Rick asks finally shattering the silence with his deep voice. Damien was shocked at first by the question, but now he remembers, he didn't tell Rick who it was he had killed.
"I don't know who it was. It was. Dark in my dream. But for some reason I feel like I knew who it was. Like I knew them better than anyone else. Does that sound weird?" Damien asks and then realized how dumb the question was. Of course Rick didn't understand, but guess what Rick was going to say:
"Of course i understand. So this person, you killed them in your dream, and You think you know who they are but you can't see their face. Does this dream upset you?" Rick asks and Damien thinks about it.
"I want to know if it's normal. To dream about killing people? I mean am I a murderer in the making?Was I a murderer? It scares me." Damien asks back and Rick writes down more notes penciling in everything. Damien tried to ignore the apparent loud noises of his pencil dragging on the paper, he wished Rick had some sort of background music or something.
"I think it's normal to an extent to dream about things like that Damien. Cause sometimes its not necessarily the murder itself but what is represents and stands for. The fact that you are killing someone you know but can't see. I mean think about that with me as a bigger picture and not as a small detail. You murdered someone you feel like you know, so much you might know them more than anyone else. But for some reason in this dream, you can't see who it is. What does that person represent do you think?" Rick asks and Damien was a bit taken back. Rick had never talked this much before maybe this meant something was wrong.
"I guess i never looked at it as a metaphor. Just as me brutally murdering someone." Damien says and thinks harder but the more he thought of it the more he could only focus on the actually murder itself. "I don't know. I'm not sure I can figure it out." Damien says and Rick nods and leans forward in his chair readjusting his posture.
"that's okay Damien don't stress out about it. Maybe you can think of it later. What kind of symbolism the dream has rather than the actual crime. I believe for some people dreams are all symbols our sub conscious is telling us. I feel like in your case this is true. I don't think you're a serial killer or a murder in the making Damien, if i thought so this session would be different. But this time around i think your mind is trying to tell you something in your dreams. Figure it out. That's all the time i have for today with you Damien, but i feel like we are getting somewhere." Rick says and Damien nods. As usual he leaves and goes home taking a bus ride through his city. It was his favorite part about his day. Watching people. There was always a young woman on her cell phone at the curb of an office building, always a homeless man leaning against a wall asking for money. Always a young child who waved at the bus as it drove by. And his favorite was the married couple that were always fighting dramatically at his bus stop about something dumb. It was like that everyday. Damien got to his stop after the fun eventful journey and walked right to his apartment building straight to his place, 303. Damien drug through his apartment, taking a shower. Which he usually did after his therapy sessions to wash off all the energy he had. And from there proceeded to eat some dinner. 6pm. He as always on time for everything. The food was plain, pale and unappealing no matter how hard he tried to cook it.
642 things to write about
Short StoryThese are prompts created by the San Fransisco writers' Grotto And I am going to be writing short stories based on the prompts. Enjoy