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"James!" Mama shouted. "Ahhhh" Was My response.

" you need to get ready for your first day at school, you don't want to be late for your first day at school now do you baby boy" with that said I got up quickly And rushed to the bathroom did my thing and came back out completely fresh and clean. I flew over to the walk in closet and looked around.

What should I wear today. I saw a cute white shirt with three rainbow lollipops  on it. Letting my wings go back into my back I pit it on it was close fitting so it brought out my curvy waist line. Next I took out a skinny jeans in a bright red and a white vans. Naturally my hair is curly thanks to mom and always looked cute no need for adjustments there. My natural lightly tanned skin which I got from dad glowed no need for make up. I smiled and you could see my dimples and soft smooth pink lips. Cute.

I grabbed a galaxy goody but stop. Hmm, looking around my room I found my razor and no I don't cut. I use it to make to slits through my shirt back no bug but not tiny. Just about 3" on the left and right.
Putting on the shirt again I let my wings go.
The came out small then enlarged out shimmering in the light.
Looking around I started to fly down stairs to the kitchen area.

Mamma was there in the kitchen humming and cooking. Mmm that smells good but not as good as sugar I mean like come on have you smelt sugar talk about amazing and its so good and yum. Don't you just wanna day it day and night and eat it with everything. Maybe even j- .

My thoughts were interrupted by mama slapping me across the head.
" hey,what was that for?" I asked rubbing my poor head.
" I was talking to you but you wasn't even listening to me," sigh " anyway as I was saying be a good little fairy today and the school you are going is a little different"

" how so ma"

" its for students who are of supernatural. But there us some humans but not a lot so you might feel more comfortable there. K bubble" I nodded took a plate of food from him which had subside eggs toast and bacon and some orange juice.

Dad walked into the kitchen in a gray suit hair slicked back and shoes shinning.

Ohhh shinny thing I want.

I stared a daddy shoe for a while till mama smacked me again.

"Ow mama my brain cells"

" what brain cells James,and you father was talking to you"

I turned around to my father put on my innocent look " yes Papa"

Dad's deep voice kinda always surprise me " I will drop you off at school eat up quickly so we can go.OK" I nodded quickly and started to eat letting my mind wonder.
Will it be fun and crazy or scary.
Will there be penguins or bats
Will the food be in
Do they have sugar
I hope they have sugar. Sugarrrrrrrr!

"JAMES!" I know that voice, but from where. Think think ahhh thinking hurts.

" James" that's it , its mama " yes"

" here is you bag"  kissing his cheek I say thanks.
" let's go James" " k,dad,byebye nama"

Giving dad a kiss goodbye we left home and into the black car that was all shinny.

The ride was fun. Dad and I talk about random shiz and laughed at stuff he told me about mom and him.
Final we arrived at a large school which was made of red bricks and the name ADAM HARVEY SCHOOL. A lot students and some parents were outside.

Tehehe. This looks like fun.

" I want you to have a good day here's 200 dollars to buy something for lunch OK please not so much sugar and you need to get your things at the office OK . love you baby boy"

" I love you to papa , have a good day doing whatever you do" laughing papa exited to school gates. Turning around I saw that a lot of people went inside.
I walked up to the school doors with my backpack hanging on one shoulder. My was purple with sparkles. 

Opening the doors I got a rush of excitement just looking at the place. Students were all over conversations if all kinds were talking place.

I remembered that I need things from the office. Now where the hell is that place. Hmmm. I started to skip down the hall singing lalalala.

Then it seemed only after 5 steps everything came quite. Looking around I saw everyone looking at me.
I giggled " hi" I waved

It seemed like that only worsened it . they all looked so shock till someone squealed " soooo cute"

It was a girls she was currently inching my cheek. I stared at her she had brown hair and green eyes. Here face had some light freckles and she had pink lips, pretty .

But just because she was pretty didn't mean she can touch me. I've bitten people for less.

" on hand me!"

" ohhhh , is some mad, awe look at you so cute" she just baby voiced me. Oh she is going to get it. I was about to pounce on her when I saw some, something shiny. Hmm tehehe I want.

" I'm James and I'm looking for the office"

" oh really I cab take you I'm Cindy by the way"

" Cindy" I whispered " look at my eyes, give me your necklace" hypnotising her and she gave it to me quickly putting in my bag .

Snapping my fingers in her face " Cindy where is the office" she looked confused oh um right this way she said tehehe I know I'm gonna like it here.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2016 ⏰

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