Chapter 12

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Heyo! What up? Both in much here, except a new chapter! That's awesome! Hopefully this week don't be so busy, so that I can put up some more chapters, and get this stupid story over and done with! I mean if your ejoying it, then forget the last part that I just said m about this being stupid. And if you're hoping for it to end to. Get the fuck out, you shouldn't even be here if you don't like this story. Anyway, I would like to dedicate this chapter to alessietta2004! She is a new follower! Yay! So many followers!!! I love it! Anywho, love you alessietta2004! Love you guys! Enjoy the chapter!


Natsu was standing in his house dressed in a dark red shinobi shozoku, he was making sure that his clothing was wrapped tightly around his body, and started walking towards the double doors leading to his balcony as he carefully slid his bag onto his shoulders. He stepped out onto the balcony,  putting his hood over his head tucking his hair in, and put the mask over his mouth and nose. Getting up on the railing taking a deep breath before jumping off and onto a building roof and taking off towards the water, hopping from roof to roof. Then suddenly a mysterious figure in a dark gray looking shinobi shozoku, came jumping onto the roof. Natsu saw him and tried losing him, but he was right on his tail. Then two more figures showed up, one a pure black shinobi shozoku and the other in a dark blue. Natsu knew that he might have to fight them, but he didn’t bring his katana, but looking at them they didn’t have any weapons either.

“Damn.” Natsu whispered to himself, as he turned around to fight them, and when he threw a punch at the one in the dark gray, he ducked and spun around.

“Natsu.” Said the figure.

“Gray?” Natsu asked as the figure took the mask covering the bottom half his face, and under it was Gray.

“Who else did you think it was?” The person in the black outfit said, moving the cloth to reveal Gajeel.

“Did you forget what we wear on a job?” Jellal asked removing his mask as well.

“What the hell are you guys doing here?” Natsu asked.

“Going with you, moron.” Gray said.

“Wait why are you going with me? You guys were saying different earlier.” Natsu questioned them.

“You don’t think you’re going to be the only one to see them are you?” Gajeel asked him.

“Well I’m not going to see all of them,” Natsu corrected him.

“Neither are we.” Jellal said.

“Now how the hell were you planning to get there?” Gray asked.

“Please don’t tell me that you were planning to steal another ship.” Gajeel said.

“If you are I’m going home.” Jellal said as he started to turn away.

“No, I’m not planning on stealing another ship.” Natsu said annoyed.

“Then how?” Jellal questioned him.

“Follow.” Natsu said as he dropped down onto the building below. Jellal, Gray, and Gajeel all jumped following behind Natsu until they got to the shore, and started walking towards the water.

“You bitches don’t think you’re going without me, do you?” A voice said and the boys turned around to see another person in a shinobi shozoku, except his was dark yellow.

“Laxus?” They all said.

“What are you doing here?” Gray asked.

“I should ask you the same thing.” Laxus said crossing his arms across his chest. “So what are you doing?”

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