chapter 1 starting

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That one girl that is innocent, she is to scared to get into trouble, she dose all her homework, has the best group of friend she could ask for it was pretty much like a movie one of those happy ones where  everything is perfect.  well that's not how this story goes!  

it was 2015 January the first day of school and everything was perfect you feel a year older more older feel like your an adult ahah not really. i stepped in the gates to my amazing school with my best mate and we stepped in together at the same time so we would be stepping into another year together. when we found out our classes we were stocked as we found out all our classes and a bunch of our closest friends in it and we knew this year was gonna be unforgettable. the year started off fantastic as maybe two weeks in or a tad more i had had a massive fight with my best friend who was like my sister we talked every night she had my back i had hers but we fort a hell load but that one fight was our last from then on shit when sideways i was so broken by the fight and went down hill i was destroyed. but then i had my other best mate that i have known since little people school and man we were inseparable where ever i was you would find her and wherever she went i was with her we kept to ourselves it was me and her together but still part of a massive group but it was never one big group people were separated everywhere. our little duo got bigger as more people came two others and shit was good then we called ourselves the wolf pack. except for my Little school friend me and the others did everything together a new joined force had started to form and it was the best they were like my sisters and we had a ball together. one of our best memories were made in our geography class man that was hilarious we had a Indian teacher and she was funny as hell we always got in trouble for talking and she would have to stop the hole class for us but she always picked on me i think it was cos we had a bond. everything was going good i was failing geography and getting straight C's in my other classes and had amazing friends. 

BUT.... someone new decides to join our school... a girl.. from a stuck up private school. she had come into our group and literally had her skirt up to her ass and she would always just shit on our table not the chair she sat on the table with her mac book just sitting there watching everywhere. me and my girls were standing in our little corner and looked at her and knew she was trouble but one of us decides to go say hi or we dared her to and the journey started from their she had slowly started hanging with us and we kept being dragged in by her it was like she was pulling us towards her and we ended up in a group with her me and my mates left our old group and made a new group and another new force began. we had eight member in our group and shit was tight we had found our group that was the one i could feel that we were all gonna be a group for good and after high school. after school instead of me going home i was dragged around by the new girl she always said lets hang out so i went i was like okay why not i should live a little but it was a trap she did bad things while we were out  but i kinda liked living on the edge i never did anything but it was thrilling and a change from my boring goody life. not only did we do things bad outside of school but we started doing it inside school for the first time i ditched with her and others we were hiding in a cubical in the bathrooms the new girl had crawled on the floor to the disabled toilet and unlocked it from the inside and ten min to the bell we got ratted out by year six's cos they cant shut there mouths one of us even told them to not say anything but yet again that was stupid communicating with them. at the time it was very scary i was so scared to get in trouble i mean before that  all i had gotten in trouble for was kinda hitting a girl. after i started being spontaneous and living a little my parents had to jump in and be on my back but i didn't care i was living. then we had to pick sport and for some reason i wasn't there for the picking of the sport and somehow ended up in a sport with the new girl we had ended up in bowling together and i was like great this is gonna be interesting cos we weren't as close we were but weren't at the same time. we started sport and there was something that i could feel between us it was weird we were so close so fast but that meant me doing more bad things but it  was so thrilling i got banned from a shopping center with her and another friend that's bad but it made me kinda not boring and i liked being interesting. life was just getting started. i was still close with my other friend but at the same time i was way more close with the new girl and i judged her by what she looked liked, she looked like a stuck up, trouble making, um s*** but she was actually really fun to be with she made me feel alive and on me toes and she was funny, a really good person to talk to and i didn't know what i was feeling but i started having feelings for her and i was like what the actual fuck is going on why cant i stop thinking about her why do i constantly smile when i hear  her name or talk to her or see her i was loosing my mind i was so confused. but only from then i didn't know it was possible but we got even closer and closer each week and the each day, we spoke non stop all night and one of my amazing achievements i made her start watching twilight and at first she was like eww yuck it so boring but then she was obsessed. i was so so close to her and my friends didn't have a problem we were all so close but then that one night i got messages from this chick saying i was pretty and she kept saying that me and the new girl would make a cute couple and i was talking to the new girl telling her everything and i sat there thinking what the fuck this chick has issues i ain't gay but then i sat and really thought and i was like i have had this girl on my mind non stop and i think i really like her then me and her started talking and i found out she liked me really liked me and i was like omg i am not the only one who is feeling this connection here and from that split second we were suddenly dating and i was so exited i told everyone i could of course my best mate first and turns out the chick that messaged me was actually the new girl but on another account and i felt like i was alive like rally alive and there was so much happiness that i felt like i was glowing in a way but the glow was the start and it was about to be shut down to darkness. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2016 ⏰

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