Two joined Memebers!!

113 4 98

Alright the people who joined are none other than
XxTwistedFatexX and

Thank you for joining!!! And since I got kinda bored here are some other questions for y'all to answer.


Your Personality:
Your fav shippings:
Do you want your fav shipping a cannon?: ( it is a yes or no question)
Where do you want to live here are the choices:⬇️⬇️
A) Have your own house with your family
B) Have your own house just you alone
C) Live in a huge endless mansion with the fandom. This place you have your own room the size as big as you want!!
D) Or just live on an apartment
Other information that I have to know.

That is all and thank you for joining. Also the E.A. And the T.C. will be in the story. If you don't know who they are check out my sisters book "The Elemental Aspect Biography". Please please please join in. Again thank you all!!

~🌟⚡️Electra out! ⛈✨

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