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Hey guys I know it has been a long wait, but please wait longer! I'm so so so so so SOOOOOOORRRRRRYYYYYY!!!!! And don't worry I have an excuse. It's because of schools, it has been getting harder and harder, there has been projects, tests, exams, and many stuff I am really busy!! But the good news is that I can only update from Friday- Sunday afternoon, if I am lucky I can do weekdays if there is a holiday. I also have something to say so please don't kill me! I am starting to lose interest on MLB, but don't worry I love it but not that much. It's just that I am waiting for the second season to come. Sooooooooo am I out of the fandom yet?!

And another bad news I can update but only when my brother isn't playing the device. So please forgive me!!! Okay that is about all. Bye bye! Don't worry it's just on hold.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2017 ⏰

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