Chapter Four

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The autumn air is chilly, but Hector's hands sliding up my sweater are warm.

His fingers are eagerly exploring my chest and torso like he wants to conquer me right here and now. He slips off my shirt and I widen my eyes. This is awfully far for a first date... Why can't I resist? His breath is becoming rougher and his lips are never leaving mine. He's wanted this for a long, long time, I can tell. My heart picks up the pace when he stops to look at me.



"Strip for me." He speaks breathily.

I blush profusely, but comply without hesitation. For some reason, I'm excited to turn him on and make him want me even more. I want to watch as he's teased, squirming until he can't take it anymore. I stand before him after kicking off my boots, recalling the time I had... performed like this for Audrey in the past. With Audrey's direction, it was easy to find a rhythm and my sensuality. But now, I'm on my own, trying to find my own notes.

I begin to run my hands along my body, starting at my shoulders. Hands travelling softly down the contours of my torso. Skimming the peaks of my nipples, I close my eyes and shudder at the enjoyment. I find myself biting my lip when I reach the waist of my pants. I slowly slip them down, leaving me only in my panties and socks. I turn my back to him.and bend down to touch my toes, showing off my best ass... et. With the little booty show, I feel a bit slutty... and I like it.

There's hands on my hips now, and kisses up my spine. Hector toys with the lace of my waistband. thumbing along the sensitive skin underneath it. It makes me squirm and giggle until I'm pressed into him. I feel his erection through his clothing against my ass and can't help inching closer. With the release of a tense breath near my ear, my panties are down. My breath comes a little faster when I hear the sound of a zipper.

"Don't worry love, I'll be gentle." He whispers, though I'm not worried. I am absolutely not a virgin...

He eases himself into me, a moan escaping me. He takes my hard-on in one hand, making me gasp and lurch backwards. He groans and grips me close with his other hand, nails digging into my skin. His fingers skim along my length, adding pressure with each pleasurable stroke. Breathless, I push my hand through my hair and let the waves wash over me. He drives himself into me further, carefully until he gives into his desire. The thrusting gets harder and faster, between that and his hand on my dick, I'm a whimpering mess. But it gets even better when his finger begins to tease me, circling my nipple. With my moaning, I feel him becoming more ravenous. He pumps into me harder, slamming against me and grunting in my ear with each thrust.

His voice drives me over the edge and I come with a loud moan. I arch my back into him and feel his orgasm building up. He finishes with a few hard bursts of pleasure, gripping me so hard I think his nails may break my skin. Panting, he kisses my neck innocently before sighing happily. After a tight squeeze of a hug, he lets me go find my clothing while he zips his pants. I pull myself back together once my clothes are on. Feeling flushed and airy and... This isn't like me but... it feels good.

"Oh dear, it's later than I realized." I pipe up, breaking the silence. The moon is high in the sky and even the forest is dead quiet. It's gotta be at least midnight.

"Shall I take you home?" Hector smiles gently before giving me a light kiss.

"I think that would be a good idea... I-I had a good time with you, Hector." I blush and take his hands, suddenly feeling bashful, "thank you."

"You're so welcome, baby. I had a good time too." He laughs charmingly, "or rather an amazing time. You have no idea."

"I was kinda there, silly. I have some kind of idea." I joke before kissing his cheek.

The leaves gleam silver in the moonlight as we make our way back to the car. We're both quiet, peacefully quiet picking our way through the trail in the darkness. Luckily, Hector knows the way well so he guides me, not letting my usual clumsiness ruin the tranquility of the atmosphere.

In the car, Hector rolls down the windows to allow the fresh air in. The breeze feels refreshing through my hair and cool on my skin. I almost feel sleepy with how calm and pure the world seems now. And to think I was breaking down when I met Hector...

... It's strange that I adore two people so different from one another like Audrey and Hector. With Hector, everything feels... like it was made for us. Like I was made for him and he was made for me. Instinct and attraction mingling well together. Everything is... safe, simple.
And then there's Audrey. Where we fight our alignments to be together. Our forms repel eachother, and yet our passion pulls us together like magnets. Our love is complicated, but powerful. Painful, but it hurts so good...

When we pull up to the apartment, Hector walks me to the door. Wordlessly, he pulls me in for a long kiss, one that makes my heart stop. The moment is savored, unforgettable. He brushes my hair from my face and holds me by the small of my back, lowering me just a little. Tingles ripple through my body and I nearly falter from how good it feels. When he pulls away, I lean in again, only to be greeted by his finger to my lips.

"Ah-ah-ah~" He winks, "I want to leave you wanting so you'll have to see me again real soon."

"Well, aren't you a tease?" I pout playfully. He chuckles and presses his lips to my knuckles.

"Goodnight, darling."

"Goodnight, Hector."

When I unlock the door, all the lights in the apartment are off. But the light streaming in from the window reveals Audrey sitting in a chair. He looks up at me with an unfamiliar glint of malice in his eyes, glowing ice cold.

"...Audrey?" I ask cautiously, flipping on the light but staying close to the wall. Something doesn't feel right, and I'm scared. He stands up, towering over me as he approaches and leans in, his elbow to the wall by my head.

"Someone needs to keep his hands off what belongs to me."

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