Chapter Five

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An aura of white hot is radiating from Audrey, matching his eyes in intensity. I feel the heat emitting from his skin like fire. When I flinch away from him, he narrows his eyes. My wings ache beneath my shirt, begging me to flee. Frozen in intimidation, and my body is ice. I feel like prey under his gaze and he's ready to pounce. My heart is slamming against my chest in fear and-- arousal?

"Wh-what's going on?" I dare to squeak.

"You heard me," he growls, taking another step towards me and leaning in.

"...How did you know about Hector and I?" I muster all my courage to ask. My back seeks comfort in the wall I'm pressed against. My eyes flicker around the apartment, scanning for an out. It scares me to think I may need an out.

"Because you're mine and mine only." He glares, but not at me. "His scent is all over you like I know his hands were. How could you let him touch you like that?"

I look down, "I-I... This is what we're supposed to do--"

"Fuck what we're supposed to do." He seethes and steam rises off his skin. I've never seen him like this. I inch away frightfully. The bedroom door is in sight and I wonder if I can just let Audrey cool off until morning.

"Audrey..." I fake a sense of calmness as I open the door. "Please calm down and we can talk in the morning, okay?" I slip behind the door quickly, "goodnight."

I catch a glimpse of him running his hands through his hair, his eyes growing wilder. Nervously, I lock the door and plop down on the bed. Too tired to remove my clothes, I stare at the ceiling.

When Jayydin's name slipped from Audrey's lips, I didn't become a raving monster. I didn't scare the ever living hell out of him with fire practically blazing off my skin. It never occurred to me that his envy could take a physical form. If this is his jealousy, what is his rage like? The only oerson who knows the answer to that question would be Asher. But he was never seen again after Audrey 'confronted' him.

Would I be the next to see that side of him...? Or Hector...?

The silence of the apartment is beginning to make me nervous. What if Audrey gets the idea to hunt Hector down? My breathing is quickening at the mental images. Hector's golden eyes lifeless under the shadow of Audrey's tall frame looming over him. His warm skin turned cold, shining hair dull, blood staining his complexion. I snap up from the bed and decide to peek through the door.

But I don't get a sight of anything before I'm flung back in bed. I blink, trying to register what the hell just happened and how I got here when Audrey slips in the door. It clicks closed and locked behind him.

"Au-Audrey?" I stammer. He gives me a coy look with a cock of his head to the side. The light of the moon from the window illuminates only his eyes, glowing white like burning stars.

"Tell me Kyle, who was better?"


"Yeah, who was better baby?" His voice is dripping with dark seduction now. He takes a step into the light and-- am I losing my mind? Like white ink under a blacklight, his tattoos glow against his tan skin. There are horns twisting into view from his head, and when he grins, pointed teeth glint in the moon.

"Does he know how to drive you wild with desire like I do?" Chains appear from nowhere and slither around my wrists and ankles, cuffing the pairs together. I writhe against them, trying to ignore how much I love the feel.

I lose my breath when Audrey towers over me, and nearly whimper at the sight when he whips off his belt in one swift movement. The arousal grips me, I feel it coursing with my blood. I scramble towards the back of the headboard, unsure of what to do. He grips my leg and before I even realize it, I'm pulled over his knee.

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