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Summer. More specifically the end of it.

This is when I first thought 'What the heck am I doing with my life now?'.

High school was over, exams were over, hopes and dreams more than likely dead and as about myself? Swinging on a hammock over stressing about my future.

What was I gonna do?

Do I retake my exams? Do I just stick with whatever I achieved? 'That means you're leaving town though.'  True that, but do I even want to retake my exams? Maybe I don't even wanna stay though... And what is gonna happen with Hamlet if I go? Who is going to take care of him? Feed him? Change his water? Maybe I should just take the poor fish with me wherever I go... But what if my hypothetical roommate has a cat? 'Well I came here first' says Hamlet in my mind.

Now I think this has gone to far. I am having hypothetical conversations with my fish.

No focus Natalie. What are you going to do?

Well easy. I am going to do nothing at all.

Ha. Joking right there. Maybe I'll just do nothing during summer. Yeah that sounds like a plan. I can live in my room for some weeks. Maybe have mom bringing me food and water?

-Natalie! Come down. The phone is for you. My mom yells from downstairs interupting my thoughts.

When did the phone ring?

-Coming mom! I shouted and started running down the stairs.

- What have I told you about running? You can trip and fa-

- "Fall over and sprain your ankle". I know mother... Plus it's not like I am five anymore I can run and jump and fall if I want to.

- Okay then smarty pants. It's Hazel. She says handing me the phone.

- Well hello there pretty lady friend. Whats up?

- Hi Nat. So I just wanted to confirm about today. Is it still on about your place?

- Yeah yeah we're cool. Maybe we can chill on the rooftop? Now that the weather is still good and all that...

- Oh! I dig the rooftop!

- Cool then rooftop it is.

- Olivia is bringing the wine so we're all set. See you at nine!

- Bye bye sweetie pie.

- MOM!

- Yes?

- The girls are coming around nine. So start making the food.

- Honey, it's time to learn how to host a get together rather than telling your mother to do so. So there is the kitchen, let us see how good you are with it.

Dear lord, show me some mercy.


- I'll get it! I shout over my shoulder and run towards the door as I hear the bell rang.

-I'm already there. Says my dad and opens the door instead.

-I'm ready to drink my ass of and have a hella fu- Heeey Mr. Legan, didn't see you there thought Nat was getting the door.

-Hello to you too Rea. I'm hearing something about drinking and what else?

-Well you know us Mr. L. Always in the mood for party. Says Rea almost too jumpy for her own sake. The girl doesn't know when it's comming, but I know my dad, it's comming.

-Well you know me, I won't have this in my house. Says my dad and I'm starting to feel the cold sweat running down my forhead. That's it, the time you don't know if my dad is joking arround or he's been serious.

One thing you need to know about my dad. He has two moods. When he's in a good mood he's all about fun and party and "Let the kids live.". When he's in a bad mood, well then it's not that much of live while you're young.

-Not unless I'm not drinking with you too. Ha ha! I got you! I SO got you. He continues and starts laughing even harder. Okay then good mood it is.

-Thanks for the heart attack there dad. Plus the embarasment.

-That's what I'm here for. Alright girls you can take it from here. I'll leave you to it. He says and makes his way to the livingroom.

-Goodnight Mr. Legan! Shouts Rea and pushes the door with her foot as to close it.

-Phiew. That was close. She says afterwords.

-Well you had to be sure it was me before openning your big fat mouth young lady. I say but she shrugs it off.

-So anyway where are the others? She asks afterwords.

-Oh Hazel is upstairs already and Olivia is on her way with the Serenity.

-Ah! A good old bottle of happines. Hope she brings two. Rea jokes as we're heading upstairs to make some company to Lea until the last member of our crew arrives with the wine. Because you know what they say, there's nothing better than hanging out with your girlfriends, drinking wine and laughing your hearts out with your overly told stories.

Or so I believed.


Hello there dear readers. Welcome to my new attempt of writing a story. Hope you enjoy. Please share your thoughts!

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Not the gossip girl.

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