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So that day as usual i try to make myself all great even my grades pull them up i thought that i actually had a chance with him but i guess "LOVE IS BLIND" true enough that i didnt even remember that my bff brokeup with him i was so desperate that egen mahh friends got mad at me .
So i actually didnt stop beliebing that i could be free to see
How he would react at me and i even leave my friends for him i was so desperate i mean when you put yoyr hopee up this is what happens
1at we finally chatted he told me that were finally going to talk well i was so happy told all mahh friends and they were happy but his xgf mahh bff sophia said hes ganna ditch me i yelled and got mad at her for that then she said go ahead i just warned you then i said yahh sure whatever call her a spoiler
So i was so happy that it was the end of the school day and i was waiting being alone while he was alone and guess what
After one hour nothing he went home and i needed to go home but mahh freind haraya said she knows that feeling fir four years so me i cried next to her and tgen didnt go to sleep right

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