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I woke up with the remnants of tears on my face, reminding me of how things ended between me and D. Again, I felt my heart being torn to pieces and my eyes wasn't able to keep the cries from flowing out. Silently I cried, thinking of how things got to that earth shattering ending. How could I know that his stay will end like that? He was so charming, so caring, and so full of love. I thought I knew him, but then, I was wrong.

I heard a knock on my door, getting me out of my drowning reverie.

"Honey, can I come in?" Mom asked with a hint of worry in her tone.

Wiping my tears, I answered, "Sure mom."

"Are you alright sweetie?" She asked as she sat down on my bed.

"I'm fine mom." I tried to sound fine, but my breaking voice said that I wasn't.

Right then my tears started to stream down my face again. Mom, being a mother, automatically hugged me and let my tears flow to her shoulder as her hand caress my bag. She held me tight letting me know that she's there until I was able to calm myself down.

"Honey, it's okay." She stated with a reassuring tone.

"Mom, D is gone. He left me mom." I whined and started to burst into tears again.

"It's okay to feel destroyed. You're in love."

"Why does it seem so unfair?" I asked.

"I don't know the answer to that question. I too sweetie had a long time moving on when your father left us, but then I realized something." Mom stated making me look at her in anticipation.

"Break ups are really painful, but they make us stronger. Honey, cherish the good times you had with him because that will fuel your heart with joy and use the failure of your relationship as lesson, so you can be better, wiser, and more mature." She stated as she caressed my face, giving me the will to smile.

Realizing something out of the short piece of advice she has given me, my tears stopped and my heart was given space to breath.

"Thank you mom." I stated as I hugged her tightly.

"Oh, my sweet Jade, all grown up." She muttered making me chuckle lightly.

My heart was not totally mended, but it stopped tearing itself. The words of my mom sank in to me giving me new hope.

"Mom, can I go for a walk?" I asked.

"Sure. Want me to come with you?" She asked.

"I think, I'll take this one alone." I replied making her nod her head in agreement.

"Take care honey. I'll see you later." She stated before leaving my room.

Standing up from my bed, I quickly look at myself in the mirror.

"Gosh, I'm a mess." I muttered as I checked my disturbing look at the mirror.

Taking a deep sigh, I took my vision out of the mirror and fixed myself.

I went out of the house with a disoriented mind but I had one place in thought to go. I'll go visit Lily. I already change to a better person than what I used to be. Might as well pursue it.


"Hello Jade." Lily stated when she saw me.

"Hey there Lil."

"Are you alright?" she asked with a worried look.

"Yes, I'm fine Lil." I lied.

Examining my face, she stated, "There's something you're not telling me."

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