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I wake as I usually do: 2 hours early and unhappy. That is, until I remember that today is my 11th birthday, and today I get my Hogwarts letter. I grin and pulled my dusty blanket. I dress myself in a long sleeved knee length black dress that Dobby made for me. He makes most of my clothes for me, as Lucius refuses to buy me any.

I brush out my hair and throw it back into a messy braid. I don't own shoes so I just walk up the basement stairs as I am. I'm immediately greeted by Mr. Malfoy with a glare. He barely looks up from his newspaper as I feel the cruciatus curse stabbing my insides with fire. It's not as powerful when he doesn't say the incantation out loud, but in ways it's almost worse because I'm not expecting it. Happy birthday to me (note the sarcasm.)

I scream as the curse tortures me. I double over fall to the ground.

He releases the curse and I gasp for air. I stumble into the kitchen and sit down at the table. I take deep breaths until I'm light headed.

Just then Dobby appears with this mornings mail. I rush over to him and look at him expectantly. He searches through the stack of paper until he finds the life changing envelope addressed to me. A smile breaks out on my face.

"Dobby likes to see Master Riddle happy." Says Dobby with a smile matching mine. I give Dobby a huge hug and skip out of the room as down into the basement. Once down the stairs I plop onto the bed and stare at the envelope.

My whole life I have been waiting for this moment. The moment when I would I finally get my wand and get to go to Hogwarts an learn magic. And just think, I'll be away from the Malfoys for almost a full year! My smile becomes even bigger at this thought. Now all I have to do is convince Lucius to take me to Diagon Alley with Draco tomorrow.

That thought makes it sound less like a dream come true and more like mission impossible.

With no more hesitation I ripe open my letter and read it. It says:

Dear Ms Riddle,
You have been selected to come study magic at Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry. A list of school supplies has been added for your convenience. Please report to platform 9 3/4 on September 1st. We hope to see you then.

Sincerely, Albus Dumbledore

I chew on my bottom lip like I always do when I'm nervous. Now I just need to ask Lucius to take me to Diagon Alley. Easy, Right? Wrong.

I can either ask Mr. Malfoy to take me as risk a beating, or don't ask and risk not even going to Hogwarts.

I think it through. I need to go to Hogwarts, the idea of not going is almost unbearable. I take a deep breath as I realize what I have to do. I just need to go upstairs here and ask him. What's the worst that could happen? You've been beaten before, what's one more beating gonna do....

I sigh as I grab my letter and trot up the stairs. I see Lucius sitting with Draco around the table. I gulp and clutch the hem of my sleeves to keep my hands from shaking.

I approach the room and stop just outside the doorway. Draco notices me before his father does. He stairs at my face like I'm some unsolved puzzle. When I finally get sick of the staring I look away. I gather all my courage and start.

"Um, excuse me, Mr. Malfoy." I say.
He turns to face me with a sneer on his face.
"What do you want?" He hisses. Draco inches back from his father at Lucius's tone. I flinch. Why would Draco be scared of him? Lucius would never hurt him, he the golden boy here at Malfoy Manor.

"I-uh got my Hogwarts letter today and I was, um-hoping that maybe I could-uh....gotodiagonalleywitgyouandDracotomorrowplease?" I say.

"What is wrong with you you stupid child! Slow down so I can understand you or don't talk to me at all!" He growls standing up and banging his fist on the table. I take a step back and gulp.

"I was hoping that you could take me to Diagon Alley tomorrow when you take Draco to get his school supplies." I say, being careful to go slowly. He ponders this for a moment and I nervously play with the hem of my skirt. Please say yes, oh please!

"Father, me her come. What harm could she do anyways." Say Draco, not nearing my eyes. I stare at him in shock. I he... Standing up for me?

"Oh, alright," Lucius grumbles as he sits back down," but if anything goes wrong, and I mean anything, I won't hesitate to use the critic rid curse right then and there. Do I make myself clear."

"Yes, sir." I say.

With that, he dismisses me and I run back to the basement. I can't even believe it. I'm going to Hogwarts!

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