How it all began

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I hate everything or at least that is how most people seem to look at it. I hate wet things. I hate cold things. I hate hot things. I hate stupid things. I really hate stupid things, more specifically stupid people. I leaned against the hard concrete wall and starred at the Bey Park that was open to me. The trees were the many colors of autumn while the silver stadiums shone against the fall sun. The old black gate still had a loose hinge that echoed against the sounds of beys clashing and loud voices. The voices of the next generation. The next generation to follow in their footsteps.

I closed my eyes as the wind blew through my hair. The wind howling in my ear as the chill autumn was sent through my being. This was an average day in Bey City, the city that had no problem living up to it's name. Hundreds of bladers from around the world came here everyday just to get a new bey. Some would even come all this way to try and get a meeting with one of the Hagane family. My eyes flashed open as they name slowly sank in. That was one of the things that I hated so much it made my skin crawl just thinking about it.

I hate the Haganes. I hated the Haganes with a burning passion. The sad part was the only reason why I hated the whole family was because of their son. The Haganes ran the WBBA one of the well known bey producers in the world. The man who ran the WBBA was by the name of Ryu Hagane and the woman by his side was by the name Fae Hagane. To many they were honest people looking to spread and give the love of beyblade to all. That wasn't the reason I hated them. To be honest I couldn't care less about the family business affairs.

The reason I hated them was because of their son Gingka Hagane or in my personal state of fact the moron of the century. Gingka was one of those people who acted without thinking about his actions till after the damage was done. He was also very selfless and with these two qualities he is always in one type of trouble or another. Gingka was also very kind to anyone who needed help, and would throw himself in harms way to protect them. He was like that to everyone even strangers who only knew his face from the newspapers. Gingka in my mind was like a child you had to be sure you gave the right toy. To others he was like a gift from god that was sent to protect everyone in a time of need.

The only problem with that was he was usually the one to start the problem in the first place. I let out a sigh as these thoughts ran through my head and seemed to suffocate the air with unwanted tension. Gingka was one of the few people who could get on my nerves just by standing next to me for to long, and that wasn't a compliment. Not only was he one of the most irritating people I have ever met but he was also one of the more... troublesome. That is the nicest way I could describe this human being, if he was even one.

I shook my head and pushed off the wall. The heat now gone and the cold winds seemed to violate my skin as I walked. My green bangs hung in my eyes that were dull as I though on my troubles. No, as I thought about the headache named Gingka Hagane. He seemed to dominate my thoughts a lot since we had all split up for battle bladers. A competition that was being held by the WBBA, but the Dark Nebula was hiding in their shadows ready to strike. Battle Bladers was to be held three months after the survival tournament. I would never forget that day as long as I lived, all the excitement that sparked between new bladers . The heat of new competition hidden under a thin layer of doubt now open to all to see.

It has been a month sicne that day. The day everyone had one goal that wasn't money or power. It was the goal of being noticed by all. The goal of being number one in the world. My eyes lightened at the thought, the thought of being important. The wind blew though my hair crisp and a chill ran through my body. I looked at the billboard that had the WBBA mark printed so carefully on it. No bumps. No wrinkles. Just like the Hagane family seamless and perfect.

Perfect. I don't even know why we have a word like that in our language. Perfect is something that a human can never be. Why? Because new humans are born everyday and every perfection has new flaws. Everyone is made for a different purpose, some are just more important than others. I crinkled my nose and sighed " Whatever," I whispered as I turned and walked the other way. " I shouldn't care about stuff like that. I should focus on getting enough bey points so I can enter Battle Bladders. Then we can see you again...," I felt my throat tighten as that thought seemed to stab me. Everyone was not suppose to be in contact in till Battle Bladers took place so we could face one another.

I guess I never really had time to notice the loneliness. Being surrounded by new people everyday but not long enough to actually take them into notice. People walking by you only to give you a dirty look or a small smile that you brush off. Once you get busy like this and look around you, you don't have time to understand that no one is going to understand you. You know it's sad when the longest conversation you have had in the last month was with the bellboy at a hotel you were staying at. I know being alone prevents headaches, grinding teeth, bitten down nails, and suicidal thoughts, but sometimes it's nice to look beside you and someone be there.

Someone who cares. Someone who thinks you are perfect because of your many flaws. " To bad I never had anyone like that," I mumbled to myself trying to keep my thoughts on Battle Bladders and not my none existent social life. Sadly, both seemed to play hand in hand making it difficult not to fall into a foul mood. I had come to Bey city for one reason and one reason alone a rumor has been going around about Gingka. I sighed and held my head low trying to avoid eye contact with everyone around me not in the mood to fight with anyone. I was hoping that the streets would be empty or near, but those hopes were crushed as I was shoved out of the way by the waves of bladders. All of which, I had no doubt were here to hear about the next location of a point tournament.

Point tournaments had become a normal part of life for most of the bladers who wanted to compete in Battle Bladders. I growled as I was once again shoved into the fences of someones lawn by what I had named 'The Next Generation'. Some people however, looked frantic as they too seemed to be swallowed by the endless seas of determination driven waves. I sighed as I once again picked myself up and pushed through the people I didn't know and already hated. I yelled as someone grabbed my arm and almost had to slap a couple of people for touching my bey counter. My clothes were pulled at as I shoved a women out of my way showing her the same conflict she had shown me.

I sighed as I leaned against the metal pole that was in front of the B-pit. I sighed and slowly shook my head as I walked downtown towards the hotels and inns. My journey a disappointment like always. I slowly shook my head and sighed. It didn't matter. I stopped as I saw a figure break the sunset that kissed the sidewalks and streets. My eyes widening as my heart stopped and hatred left a foul taste in my mouth. Great. He had to show up now.


Mrs. Hagane ( Kyoya x Gingka For The Most Part)Where stories live. Discover now