7. Erica Woham

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Here we go with another interview of an amazing author.. her books are amazing go check out ericawoham

1. Your name and Introduction about yourself?? (Age if you want to??)

The name  I  go with is Erica Woham because i want to keep my identity a secret. Not many people in my town understand what writing means to me and i don't  want them to judge me on the basis of what they think. I'm  from India  and I'm 18. (Yay legal!)

2. When did you know you have a talent of writing??

It was in class 9. I just came across wattpad and saw people writing lovely stories and i found myself wanting to write one too.

3. How do you feel when you get to know your book is famous and got such great reviews??

I'm  still very much shocked and overwhelmed. For someone who wrote in her free time just to get her mind of things and  then 3 years later she's here and her  book crosses over 11 million views,  it's  overwhelming.

4. Do you ever wish to get your books published??

Well yes. I did get an offer before but I chose to ignore it back then. My book still looked like it was written by an amateur and i wanted to re-write it.

5. Which is your favourite genre on wattpad??

I love romance . Yup it's  definitely romance. Who doesn't  like a posessive  guy loving her to hell and back?

6. Any book you read on wattpad is your favourite and your favourite account on wattpad??

Yes! 'Loving Blackmail' it was the first book i read on wattpad. The writer is goals.

7. Some interesting facts about your books and characters??

Xavier is by far my favourite  name, so when I  started writing this book i just had to use it. Erica waa chosen because, well it's  my name.
I actually imagine Xavier as Tony Mahfud or Nick Bateman. Who wouldn't  swoon over both of them?

8. Which is your favourite book among the ones you have written??

By far it's  my first book which made me what i am today. "The billionaire wants her".

9. Your hobbies, your favourite colour, favourite movie??

I love playing guitar when I'm  free. Music  rejuvenates my soul  and trust me, its the best medicine for anyone in depression. My favourite  colour is black ,  for me black is the actual colour of happiness. I don't  really have a favourite  movie, anything i watch becomes my favourite.

10. Your childhood best and worst memory??

Okay so when i was a kid I  was a bully. Yes, i regret that so much but the attention  i got from being popular just made me lust for superiority.  But then once my parents were  called in the principal's office and I knew i just had to change. I could not  be the cause of their humiliation anymore. So i turned from being hot headed fighter  to a book worm. A good memory you ask? Well being popular always made my feel special so everything  in my childhood  went smoothly. 
Not really

11. Are you inspired by any movie or character??


12. What are the best and worst comments you have ever got on wattpad??

There are hundreds  of positive  comments on my book but the ones that really make me smile is "i love this book" it's like thank you for appreciating  my work.
The worse I  ever  got was "Why is she even trying to write the book is so depressing."
I really felt bad after reading this and just didn't  update for 3 weeks. But then my readers slammed that person for being mean and i just had to delete the comment before she felt humiliated or hurt. It was her opinion and nobody should judge her like that. She got over 15 nasty comments and trust me no one would like that.

13. How many books are you planning to write in future??

I'm  on my fourth one. I really need to complete  it and for now i have not plans of writing anything in the future.

14. Your favorite actress and actor?? Whom do you think is the hottest man on earth??

I can not choose between Tony Mahfud or Nick Bateman. You tell me? Whose hotter?

15. What is your message to your readers, followers and fans??

I just want to thank you  all for supporting  me through thick and thin. I love you guys  and I'm  sorry for late updates.  I'll  try my best to make you guys happy  by every chapter i post. Thank you for being patient i love you buttercups.

It was a pleasure interviewing an amazing author.. till the next time we come read all her books...

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