3. AnuSri123

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Hello Readers!!!! Here I go with another Interview of amazing AnuSri1234

Hey! I am glad you guys are so efficiently managing this whole process.

1. Your name and Introduction about yourself?? (Age if you want to??)

Hey! I am Anushka.
Be assured I am an adult, though still in the last of my teens.
I am an extremely talkative, fun loving person. Huge foodie and food blogger too. I don't publicize my social life and judgemental stereotyping people annoy me.

2. When did you know you have a talent of writing??

Grade-5 English Exam: Story writing question. Got full marks and a golden star sticker on my sheet.
Come on golden stars and pinki promises are legit!
So, since that day I picked up on writing.

3. How do you feel when you get to know your book is famous and got such great reviews??

I don't really know. My books aren't really famous because I don't market, I believe in word of mouth ways and nor am I a fan-fiction writer. Though I do feel that dizzy happy feeling you get when you walk in a candy store with pocket full of cash, every time I get some nice comment or review.
I haven't really had any bad reviews thankfully.
I love my readers. All of them.

4. Do you ever wish to get your books published??

Yes, of course. Something you'll notice in my work, is that I really put a lot of effort in ensuring I am contributing in literary form and not composing a screenplay. So I'd be really happy if it does get published, though I am more about writing for passion!

5. Which is your favourite genre on wattpad??

Mystery! Its my favorite genre of reading. As a writer I prefer Romance with humor and realism.
I think that's what comes to me naturally.

6. Any book you read on wattpad is your favourite and your favourite account on wattpad??

She's Broken by LiloHorse. Really motivated me.
And favorite account is @Ahaaata ie Ridhi Mittal because she's a lovely human.
As a reader- @Greenwriter , I love her work.

7. Some interesting facts about your books and characters??

I always try to show my readers a true picture of lives in modern India. Stories can be cheesy and over the top but I try to balance it. All my characters have a purpose to serve and are somewhat inspired from real life stories.

8. Which is your favourite book among the ones you have written??

Readers love By The Window at 7.
I think i'd put a better interest in my recent work The Unusual Fangirl.
I love my first work most in story terms but considering format and everything it needs a lot of edit.

9. Your hobbies, your favourite colour, favourite movie??

I love listening to music especially House or EDM, MAD READER. Khaled Hosseini and Sylvia plath are my favorite authors.
Favorite colours are blue and black. I don't really watch commercial movies. I loved Now You See Me though. I am a fan of TV series otherwise, not into Indian shows but.

10. Your childhood best and worst memory??

Best- Winning my first art competition!
Worst- Falling sick due to Jaundice. Didn't go to school or see my friends for a month. It was torture.

11. Are you inspired by any movie or character??

Esther Greenwood ~Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath and Howard Roark~ Fountainhead by Ayn Rand. These two book characters really inspire me.

12. What are the best and worst comments you have ever got on wattpad??

Haven't read any bad comment for my work besides complaints when a character fell ill or died.

Best Comment was by @theresalyndanielle on the last chapter of Unshackling Myself.
It was the first one from her side and it made my day.

13. How many books are you planning to write in future??

3 in continuation for The Unusual Fangirl series.
And then another one called Break up chronicles of a Day Dreamer.

14. Your favorite actress and actor?? Whom do you think is the hottest man on earth??

Josh Hutcherson! (Hunger games fan) and I don't know otherwise.

15. What is your message to your readers, followers and fans??

I keep telling you guys time and again that I love every single person who spared time for my book.
I am always up for conversation and feedback, personal message chats are perfectly fine for me. Keep reading and Spread the word!
Stay happy.

Excuse any grammar errors, I'm typing on the phone.
Thank you so much for this.


So fellas here was amazing Anushka We pray you get more success in your life...

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