In science we were learning about metals and shit. My teacher came up with the most amazing story ever lmao
This was it
" There was a disco at school. Mr Copper asked Miss Sulphate to go with him. So they went together.
At the disco Mr Magnesium showed up. Miss Sulphate looked at Mr Magnesium and then at Mr Copper. Mr Magnesium was taller, better and richer than Mr Copper. Mr Magnesium had all of his bling on. (I repeat. She actually said 'bling' lmao)
Miss Sulphate left Mr Copper for Mr Magnesium."
The moral of the story?
The more reactive metal steals the Sulphate.
(How Displacement works)Then my friend said
"I guess you could say she was a gold digger"
So that happened.