Chapter 1

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Here's the sequel to "The Velvet Shadow"- finally!

This story is written by Phendragon and me. The Wyndrah world belongs to Xenobia.

Please enjoy!

Downtown Valkyrie Falls

Elain turned around in bed and grabbed the alarm clock on his nightstand seconds before it had a chance to go off. He swiftly turned it off and put it back before he gently tried to extricate himself from Tyra's embrace. The sire was still sleeping soundly, and since his first class wasn't before noon, Elain saw no reason for waking his lover up.

As Elain slowly picked up Tyra's arm and removed it from his waist, Tyra made a soft murmur in his sleep and then rolled over to his other side, leaving Elain with a perfect chance for escape.

Elain swung his legs over the side of the bed and got up. With a little frown, he picked up some clothes that were haphazardly strewn all over the room, reminders of their nightly activities, and put them in the hamper. Of course he was as enthusiastic as Tyra when it came to those little bursts of passion, but he still preferred his apartment to be spotless.

Elain silently went to over to the bathroom to get a quick shower. When he was finished, he returned to the bedroom in a bathrobe to find some appropriate clothes for the day. His wardrobe still consisted mostly of suits, but a few casual clothes like simple slacks, shirts, and sweaters had found their way in during the last months.

Today, however, a business meeting was scheduled, so it had to be a suit of course.

When Elain turned away from the closet with his suit of choice in his hands, he saw that Tyra was sitting up in bed, looking quite sleepy-eyed. His golden hair, normally spiked to perfection, was soft and rumpled from sleep, and his lean body was bare from his neck, down his nicely trimmed body, to his waist, where the sheets hid the rest of him.

Tyra rubbed at one eye. "Isn't it a little early? You shouldn't have to be up for another half an hour."

Elain smiled slightly. "Sorry, I was trying not to wake you. There are some additional things I have to go through before I have my meeting with my business associates. I had planned on reading them last night, but I guess I got distracted by a certain someone."

Tyra gave Elain a lopsided smile and let his eyes roam over Elain's form within the satiny bathrobe. "I'd really like to distract you again, actually. How long's the meeting going to take? Think you can sneak back up here before I have to leave for class?" He leaned back on his elbows, leaving his body nicely on display. Elain could clearly see that Tyra was partly hard, causing a tenting in the bedsheets.

This sight was indeed tempting, and for a moment Elain entertained some fantasies about just getting back into bed. But then his self-control took over again. First work, then pleasure.

"I guess I can manage that - if I leave now and get my work done," Elain answered. "Can you entertain yourself in the meantime?"

Tyra chuckled, and the sound was low and rich. "Entertain myself, huh? Not sure if I remember how to do that. Haven't really had to do that much these past couple months, but I can probably relearn it." Tyra slowly slid a hand down his chest, and it disappeared beneath the bedsheet into that area where the tent was lifting higher.

Elain swiftly turned away, feeling his body heating up even more. Now he needed another shower, and this time an ice cold one, if he didn't want to walk into his office with a tent of his own showing.

Tyra had learned the fine art of teasing very quickly indeed.

"Well, I guess then I don't have to show up later since you're having fun on your own," he finally replied, trying to sound rather disinterested.

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