Chapter 2

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A few days later, Tyra was at his family's house for one of his regular visits. After moving into the dorms at the beginning of the term it had been difficult for Tyra since he had missed his family but it had been even harder for his father who, even more emotional because of his pregnancy, almost didn't let him go at all. So Lissem was overjoyed each time that Tyra came home again, and made Tyra's favorite food and muffins and fussed over him, and Tyra, although protesting a bit, was silently grateful for it.

This time was no different, although Detrallin tried to no avail to stop his mate from running around so much.

Finally, it was Feadri who won the battle to get Lissem to sit down and put his feet up.

"Hey Tyra, want to play a board game together in the living room as a family?" the young lifebearer asked.

Tyra saw what Feadri was up to. "Good idea. You pick the game."

After a few moments, Feadri came back with Tyra's favorite, a detective game where everyone could possibly be the 'murderer'. Although Lissem protested every time that they could pick a game that wasn't so sinister, he was often enough the one to find the 'culprit' first.

As Feadri set up the board, he asked out of the blue, "Tyra, when do I get the chance to finally meet your boyfriend?"

Tyra felt as if he'd just been whacked on the head. He really needed to teach Feadri something about subtlety some day. He glanced uneasily at his parents. Lissem's usual smile was pressed thin as if he'd tasted something sour. "Um, I don't really know. Eventually. Some day."

"Really?" Feadri looked a bit sceptical, ignoring his father's dark look. "Maybe I could come with you one afternoon? You told me he's got a jacuzzi in his bathroom, and I still don't believe a word."

Oh, how Tyra wished he could crawl in a hole and hide. He hadn't mentioned the jacuzzi to his parents, and he'd never intended to. His cheeks felt hot.

"You can come if it's okay with sire and dad," Tyra mumbled his quick response keeping his eyes glued to the board.

"No, it's not okay," Lissem said, crossing his arms over his prominent belly. "You're far too young to go into a club, young lifebearer, even if it's during the day. There are all sorts of unpleasant people." His face left no doubt which person in particular he meant.

"But Tyra would be there," Feadri pointed out. "Or, you know, we could invite Elain here."

Tyra resisted the urge to bury his face in his hands. Somehow, he even kept himself from taking a pillow and smothering his little brother with it.

Before Lissem could reply, Detrallin said, "Let's talk about this when your little brother is here, Feadri."

"So, you think I'm just overreacting and cranky because I'm pregnant?" Lissem accused his mate.

Detrallin held up a hand and shook his head. "No, no one has said that."

"How I feel about that lifebearer has nothing to do with the state I'm in," Lissem said firmly. "Tyra's made his decision, but I don't want my Feadri wandering around in that club, and I don't particularly feel like opening my home to that lifebearer."

Feadri turned to Tyra. "Is this what it's like to be in on the 'grown up' talks?"

Tyra nodded his head slowly. "See, what did I tell you? They aren't all that much fun, are they?"

Feadri gravely shook his head. "Nope."

"Please reconsider it, love," Detrallin said calmly. "As I said, it's not about now, but maybe in a few weeks. We're talking about Tyra's boyfriend here."

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