Chapter 5 : Revenge

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RAINIR SHIVERED, the icy winds from the North Sea cutting through the pitiful, torn robes he was wearing. The screams, moans and cries from the prisoners he was surrounded with made him cold to his bones. Colder than the wind ever could make him.

He went to go scratch at his hand, the itch there unbearable. He stopped himself, remembering that he didn't have two hands anymore. He stared at the ugly stump. The skin had healed beautifully over the wound, the skin smooth like a baby's bottom. It didn't show the ugliness of his injury, the healing spell she had cast a bigger insult than leaving him with an ugly stump. He swallowed his anger away, knowing too much emotion would attract the attention of the few dementor's who guarded Azkaban.

They were a lot less than before the war, but the foul creatures that were left needed a job to occupy their evil nature. Lucky for Rainir, he wasn't part of the murder floor in the foul prison, so there weren't any close. Just Auror's patrolling the corridors with warm coats, hats and gloves, their Patronuses close.

He sat down, his hatred for everything around him overwhelming. He couldn't believe he was here. He wasn't even close to his brother's cell, who he found out through a guard, was on the other side of the building. His mind cast to the last two years in the godforsaken place. Long and endless, he couldn't wait to get out.

He shifted is body onto his makeshift bed, his mind filled with the chocolate brown eyes that landed him here.

He could remember the moment he saw the beautiful Charlotte, like it was yesterday. He was sitting in the staff hut in the sanctuary, chatting with his little brother, Yannick.

"Can everyone quieten down?" The roar from their supervisor, Igor, exploded around the room.

The hut wasn't filled to the brim, there were only about four or five of them that worked for the sanctuary in a year. Rainir stretched his long body out, silence following the roar.

"Thank you. Now, as we're all aware Klaus retired, so we have space for an intern, maybe to become a new staff member. Our intern, Charlotte Jet, will arrive in a few minutes. I expect you assholes to treat her with respect." Igor growled, his height giving him some gravity behind his words.

Absalon, Rainir and Liviu nodded in agreement, their silence interrupted.

"Sir, yes, sir!" Yannick grinned, saluting Igor.

"And you! Yannick, I will skin you alive if you treat this girl with disrespect. She's only eighteen, so you leave her alone!" Igor thundered.

"I wasn't going to do anything boss." Yannick held his hands up like he was surrendering, a shit-eating smirk on his face.

Igor's face went red with anger, and Rainir tried to stifle his laughter. His brother was a shit stirrer and an idiot. He patted his brother's arm to relax him, sensing the impending explosion from Igor.

"Hello? Is this the right place?" A husky but distinctly feminine voice filled the room. Her accent was slightly British but the rest he could not place.

Igor spun around, protecting the new girl from the view of the Jessen brothers.

"Charlotte, yes this is the right place. Welcome to the Sanctuary, everyone is waiting to meet you. I am Igor Schmidt and the head caretaker."

Rainir watched as the two pumped hands, noticing the girl wasn't as tiny as he thought. Eighteen is young, closer to Yannick than himself. Yannick was twenty-two to his twenty-four. She would be the youngest there and the only female.

Igor moved aside to introduce her to the staff, starting with the ugly dwarf, Absalon. Rainir eyed the new girl, his eyes racking over her lithe form. She was pretty but not beautiful. Her wavy hair was coffee coloured, hitting her slim shoulders. She had a straight, proud nose and big, soulful brown eyes. She wasn't wearing a spot of makeup but he could tell she wasn't uncomfortable not wearing it.

"Hun er smuk." Yannick grinned.

"She's not too bad. You only think so because she's the first woman here in the four years we've been working here." Rainir replied, his blue eyes on their new colleague.

"It's really nice to meet you, Absalon. I'm looking forward to working with you." Her voice drifted over to them, as Igor moved her over to Liviu, the quiet Romanian.

"I want her. I'm tired of going down to the village just to meet a girl. Not even a pretty one." Yannick mused. Rainir noticed his brother eyeing the girl hungrily.

He didn't say anything, not really caring about the new girl. She really wasn't anything special and couldn't understand the gaze full of adoration the dwarf was shooting her.

"This is Yannick Jessen, resident shit stirrer." Igor growled, gesturing to Yannick.

"Nice to meet you Miss Jet." Yannick smiled, charm oozing from his pores. Charlotte eyed him and nodded her head, caution written all over her face.

Rainir liked it when a girl didn't fall for his brother's charm. Igor did too, smirking triumphantly at the look of disappointment on Yannicks face.

"And last, but not least, this is Rainir Jessen." Igor gestured to said person and left her with him.

"Nice to meet you." Her strange husky voice made him study her in interest. He nodded, not saying anything.

She smiled at him and he suddenly saw what everyone else seemed to find so fascinating. She glowed from within, the smile showing him how beautiful she was in the inside. As she turned away, disappointment and relief filled him.

Rainir was blindsided by her smile, by her. He remembered thinking to himself that he would have liked to have known what was behind the light in her smile.

Now, he knew it wasn't light, but a darkness that disguised itself behind the apparent innocence of her youth.

"Rainir Jessen, your sentence is up!" The shout from the Auror brought Rainir back to the present.

He hoisted himself up, cracked his aching neck and stood by the railings of his cell. Screams of his neighbors echoed around him. The Auror ambled up, his long black hair hiding his face.

"Move." The command was sharp.

Rainir obeyed and the railings started moving into the floor and ceiling with a flick of the Auror's wand. He watched the railings, determination and hunger set into his body. The Auror gestured for him to follow him and he ambled behind the man, finally stretching his body out. Hands grappled out to touch him, some prisoners shouting at him and the guard at the unfairness of it all.

He was processed and pushed out of the prison, with a stern warning not to use dark magic as he had a trace on him. A road was stretched on either side of the prison, a field of daisies in front of the prison and before the road. Sun filtered over his face and he closed his eyes, enjoying the warmth from the sun. Two years without heat or sun was too long for him. 

It baffled him how a field of daisies could grow in front of the ugliness that was Azkaban. He cracked his neck, a bad habit he picked up in Azkaban and walked up to the Portkey Station on the other side of the road. He walked past the little hut, and eyed the field in front of the hut. It was strewn with many different Portkey's, making it look like a field people would dump their waste in.

"Where you going, sonny?" The cheerful, wizened man smiled. 

He was wearing a warm coat and anger flashed through him. How many nights did he wish to have a coat that would warm him up like that one?

"To London. Diagon Alley." His smirked, his blue eyes flashing with an evil glint.

"Right you are. Good luck." The man pointed to an old boot close to the station and Rainir walked over.

Before he touched it, he looked back at the prison rising behind the small hut. It was an impenetrable fortress, hulking and firm in the cold and drastic weather from the North Sea. He swore he heard his name being whispered in the wind, the huskiness caressing his ear like a siren.

"I'm coming for you, min skat."

His menacing promise filled the air and was whisked away as he disappeared with the portkey.

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