Chapter Three

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Oh and I know, and you know that we've been here before


Beings summoned into Agent V's room means you've done something horrible. People don't fear the physical punishment from her, it's her hard stares that gives everybody chills. One can say she's very tough for a girl, no one knows about her past or what lead her to Paige, but they do know that she is one of the few who has connections with the higher-ups. The people normal agents know absolutely nothing about. They're the ones handling all the missions' acceptance, or usually the approval of new members.

Zayn didn't expect the tired eyes and the messy hair when he opened the door. Her usual straightened pose is now bent over a table with her arms leaning lazily on it. Her hair that was usually pulled up in a tight bun with not a single hair out of place is now down, he can tell it's a bit wavy. Her eyes aren't putting on her hard stare anymore, she's just ... a normal girl.

"Have a seat" Her voice is still cold as ever and she doesn't have to repeat herself as Zayn takes a seat across from her on the table.

She takes a deep breath and leans back. "Getting old for the job?" Zayn tries for a joke but receives an annoyed look in return. His smirk falls and he shifts uncomfortably in his seat.

"You must know by now that Louis isn't following Paige anymore despite being a member still"

"Fire him" She raises her brows at him, "If he's annoying you then why not fire him? Get rid of him. I'm sure he can't face you on his own. I believe that's why he's gathering a team around him" He knows She's very skillful, damn she's good.

"I'm not the one making decisions around here-"

"Look" Zayn cuts her off, "I don't care about whatever conflict you have with Louis. You can deal with your business away from me"

"Sad. You're already involved" They stare at each other and she sighs, "This is not about Paige. Louis is planning for something big and I'm not letting him do it"

"Not about Paige?" He repeats raising his eyebrows.

"Louis is recruiting the members already. Plus, the higher-ups refuse to listen to me, which led me to guess that Louis already got his hands on them too"

"And you're telling me this because?"

"You used to work with Louis, but not for him. And I can see that you despise each other" Zayn nods, it's true, but that still doesn't answer his question. "Louis is not a good person to gain control over a wide area"

"Get to the point" Zayn furrows his brows.

"I'm having a theory but I need to confirm it. I don't trust anyone inside Paige anymore aside from you and Niall" Before Zayn got to ask more questions she carries on, "Louis is throwing a party at some illegal club that's hidden in an underground tunnel-"

"And you want us to go there?" Zayn stands up with a shake of his head, "Nope. I'm out! I'm not going to drag my feet to my own funeral, thank you"

"You're already dragging your feet to your funeral. You think Louis would let you live in any scenario?"

"I'll manage" he stares at her for a second then turns to leave.

"Zayn" she says in a calmer tone and he stops, "I'm not asking this as Agent V of Paige" Zayn slowly turns to find her standing up, "I'm asking this as a big sister"


"So it's me, you and V now?" Niall laughs but it's a nervous one, "You know, since I joined Paige, I was expecting my death at any moment but this" his face falls, "This is fucked up, man"

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