Chapter Seven

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You planned my life so carefully, sculpted me like clay


Harry remembers the first time he ever saw Zayn. Sitting at his backyard, surrounded by kittens, ten at least, with the youngest in his arms feeding it himself, and the smile never leaving his face as he coos over them. He remembers him going out everyday to check on them, along with his sisters, because their parents apparently didn't want them inside the house. They were too many of them.

He'd occasionally see him walking his youngest sister to her school, or walking across the street to greet their old neighbor. He'd even bring her flowers sometimes, making her smile. Other times he'd be with the oldest of his sisters, the one he's mostly with, maybe because the age gap isn't that big. But Harry was used to watch, didn't even go out to greet him or to have a small talk.

He also remembers that one time Zayn wore a crop-top and was skating along with his friends. Harry was passing by and Zayn caught him staring, dragged his eyes over Harry's body once then one of his friends whispered something in his ear that made him laugh and turn away. It wasn't genuine though.

He met him again in high-school. But Zayn wasn't the same. Not inside the school's walls or whenever he was with his friends. He had a bad-boy persona, had the looks for it, and the attitude. But Harry could tell, from how different he'd seem to act, that it was just that. An act. Not the same Zayn with his sisters that he'd see everyday.

Zayn ignored him at first, even when they shared classes. He was always with his group of friends, if he'd call them friends anyway. Then at one day, when Zayn knew that Harry lived nearby and used to see him everyday, he opened up to him and considered him as a friend. Harry was even welcomed to get inside the Malik's household.

Harry knew Zayn would occasionally go to clubs with his 'crew' but never invited Harry along. And Harry found out later after the reason why. The drunken nights he'd stay at someone else's house, or he'd be too high on drugs not to see straight. Had even seen one time when someone was tagging with Zayn and saw Harry around, he'd whispered something into his ear that got Zayn on his lap and his hand inside Zayn's pants, then they got up getting some privacy. Harry didn't want to see it, but Zayn saw him too and turned away.

There was this one night that Zayn was at his door looking shyly at him behind his lashes, embarrassed even. He was still sober but the smell of weed was strong.

"I can't go home like this" Harry sighed and steeped aside to allow him in. Zayn flopped on the sofa pleading him to call his parents and tell them that he's staying the night here. His parents liked Harry a lot, and they wouldn't mind.

"You should stop" Harry spoke up as he took a seat next to Zayn. "They're going to know one day eventually"

"You'd rat me out?" Zayn turned to look at him, and he should know that Harry wouldn't do that to him. He sighed and closed his eyes, "I'll try" he mumbled before sleep took over him.

Zayn kept to his words, he tried. Snatched himself away from his group, and Harry could even see how his attitude changed slightly, revealing more of 'him' other than the pretended persona.

Harry could also remember that one night he asked Harry to inform his parents that he's staying at his, but didn't, and begged Harry to just let him go this time. It wasn't for drugs or sex. But Harry knew later that his sister came home crying, heartbroken, and Zayn knew the guy. He dragged the guy out of his group seductively, and once they were far enough, Zayn kept punching and kicking him until the rest of the group was coming after him, but luckily, Harry was there, and managed to drag him away.

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