Chapter Twelve

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"Chat!" Marinette screeched as she had her arms wrapped tightly around his waist, squeezing tighter every time he sped up the motorcycle. She felt his back vibrate in laughter as he went even faster, dodging past cars as angry people honked at the teenage boy in a black T-shirt and black helmet that covered his face.

Marinette was in a white tank top with a pair of shorts to match, a matching helmet donned on her head. The wind whipped the loose hair that dangled underneath the helmet, smacking wildly at the nape of her neck.

"Chat, this is totally past the speed limit!" She saw his shoulder shrug in response as he continued to weave his way through the cars.


Alya missed Marinette to no end. She felt so guilty, so guilty. How selfish could she have been? To have kept her best friend so late, and then not even offer her a ride? She was a terrible best friend.

Alya shook her head with a grin look on her face as she walked down the dark street. And how could she not have known that Marinette and Adrien were Chat Noir and Ladybug? She had to wait for the two to disappear before connecting the dots.

A quiet thrumming filled the quiet night sky as she continued her slumped walk. She couldn't even look Marinette's parents in the eye. The day they got the news, they were crying, Sabine sobbing into Tom's shoulders as he held her close, tears pricking in his eyes. It was the first time Alya had ever seen Tom cry, Sabine as well. They've had the bakery closed ever since.

Gabriel Agreste has locked himself in his house ever since Adrien's disappearance, Nathalie being the only person in and out of the mansion.

Suddenly, a motorcycle whizzed past her, screeching to a stop at a red light.

"Oh, now you decide to obey the law."

"I can't just run a red light princess."

"But you can go 60 miles over the speed limit eh?"

That voice... I know that voice...


A quiet, 'oh shit' was heard before Alya ran up to Marinette, tackling her off the bike in a giant hug. Tears ran down her face as she buried her face into Marinette's neck, holding her tightly.

"Where have you been girl?! How could you go off with some guy!? Do you know how much you hurt everyone here?!" Alya yanked the helmet off of Marinette.

"Alya..." Marinette teared up before hugging Alya back tightly.

"Alya..." Chat muttered as he looked back at her, getting off of the bike. "How'd you know?"


Adrien slammed a hand over Alya's mouth. "I'm Chat Noir. How'd you know it was Marinette and I on the bike?"

Alya stared at him in confusion, as did Marinette, before the brunette answered.

"I heard her talking. I know her voice. Where are you guys going?"

"None of your business."


"What? We don't need to drag her into this."

"We can at least tell her what's happening."


"I trust her."


Marinette ignored Chat as she told Alya the whole story.

"Oh my god..."

"I know... I'm sorry Alya..."

"I'm going with you!"


"I can't let my best friend go in to that alone with a cat boy!"

"Hey! I take great offense to that!"

"Oh shut it kitty." Marinette said.

"It's dangerous Alya-"

"Don't care."


"Don't care."

"She's as stubborn as you." Chat muttered, shaking his head before yelling in pain as Marinette pinched him, Plagg laughing his head off on his shoulder.

"It's settled then. I'm coming with you."

SORRY IT IS SO SHORT. But this is just a filler and how Alya is going to join them on their adventure. I need a sarcastic person to be sarcastic with Plagg. You know, the comic relief duo.

Until next time, peace!

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