Chapter Fourteen

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UP top is the photogram I made today! What do you guys think of it?

"Okay, so wait." Alya waved her hand as a stopping motion. Chat, or Adrien, as she had figured out, had just got done explaining what a kwami is and what it did. The black cat god was currently sitting on Marinette's shoulder, slumped over the chunk of Camembert he was gnawing on. "That thing-"

"Plagg." Adrien corrected, messing around with the beanie that was ensnaring his golden locks, keeping them hidden beneath the dark, itchy fabric. He was leaning against the cold metal of the ladder, his ankles hooked and effortlessly posing like the model he is.

"Plagg. Is a god, one of many, who gives you your powers and suit? And he has to eat cheese to power up?" Adrien nodded in confirmation as Plagg commented that Camembert was the cheese he liked the most. "Well, why is there a time limit after you use cataclysm if he's a god? Shouldn't you get more than that one time?"

"Well-" Adrien stopped short as he drew his brows together in confusion. "I'm not quite sure myself. Maybe it's because it takes a lot of magical power from both of us to do it."

"He's right. Only one Chat Noir in the past tried to use cataclysm twice in a row."

"What happened? Did it work?" Marinette asked, taking the small kwami into her hands, holding up so he was in her direct line of sight.

"He died."

A somber mood enveloped the room as soon as the words were formed from Plagg's mouth. Alya looked down at the floor, feeling guilty that she brought the topic up. Adrien stared directly at Plagg, his face void of emotion, resembling a blank slate. Marinette though, was the first to react. She brought her head down to Plagg and nudged him gently with her cheek. Plagg purred as he pushed his head further into her soft skin, his ear bending as he moved. Marinette scratched behind his other ear with her pointer finger as she pulled back.

"After the incident, it was named a forbidden art. If it is used, you could be banished from using the Miraculous again. If you don't die from it, that is." Plagg explained after his cuddle fest with Marinette. As the three stared at him with shock filled expressions, he tossed the rest of the Camembert into his wide, awaiting mouth, swallowing it in one gulp.

"It's that bad?" Adrien asked, pushing off the ladder he was laying against as she advanced closer to the blue haired girl currently in possession of his kwami.

"Well, what do you think? It killed that Chat Noir, turning him into nothing, as if he never existed. The only way the Ladybug of that time knew he had died was because of the ring, the Miraculous, was left behind. So yes kid, it is bad."

Marinette's stomach twisted at the thought of that happening to her Chat Noir. A sour taste flooded her tastebuds as her mouth went dry. Putrid tasting bile worked its way up her throat, burning as it left a aching feeling in its path as the vomit started to come up. Without warning, she dropped Plagg in her hurry as she raced to the waste bin in the corner of their room. The abandoned kwami and the other two teens quickly followed in pursuit, concern for the girl washing over their features.

Plagg winced as Marinette dipped her inside the bin before loud gagging and heaving sounds filled the small compartment. Alya and Adrien both raced to either side of her and pulled her loose pigtails away from the vomit projecting from her mouth. Marinette's shoulders were hunched as she lurched forward, being pulled back to a safe distance from the puke, courtesy of Adrien. Plagg rubbed her back as soothingly as he could.

"It's okay, Ace. Just, let it all out." After a few minutes of dry heaving and coming up with nothing, thanks to the lack of food she and Chat had for the past two days.

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