Lone Wolf

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Their smell was nauseating. Everywhere I went, there was the overpowering smell of sweat and bodily fluids. They tried to cover it up by piling on the deodorants, perfumes and soaps. It didn't help. It just created a bombardment of scents that overwhelmed my poor aching head. That's why I lived out in the middle of nowhere. Not because I hated company, not because I wanted to get back to nature, but because it was just too much to be surrounded with in the city. All the noise, the smells and sheer number of people made me claustrophobic.

Call me a werewolf. It doesn't bother me. Believe what you like, I just live like I always have. I live like a regular person for the most part. Why hunt when I can go to the supermarket? Why run around in a thick fur coat when it's 35 degrees out? Nope. No need. I do like to curl up in front of my fireplace during the winter though. That's cozy. I eat simply, mostly because I find many spices more irritating than delicious. The more pungent the smell, the more it turned my stomach. I have a very sensitive sense of smell if you had not guessed by now.

Also very good hearing. That was a blessing and a curse. Hearing all the animals rummaging around in the bushes at all times of the night: not fun. Hearing every creak, bang, honk, shout, engine and the hum of electronics: not fun. Hearing what people have to say about your reclusive arse from across the store: not fun. I guess it's more curse than blessing in today's world. I supposed I was just a little more cursed than most too. See, most of us have our families. People who love and understand us. Not me. Family all died in an accident.

So, what about a pack? You weren't listening. My family all died. That is your pack. Others don't usually pick you up and take you in just like that. You get in through marriage or birth. I was fostered to some very nice humans, but it isn't quite the same. The chances of stumbling upon a nice werewolf girlfriend who would marry me and bring me home was slim to none. The chances of finding a sweet werewolf boyfriend who didn't want to rip my throat out for being in their territory was even slimmer. I was better off just staying put, on my own.

That's where you find me now. Working for a construction company in my spare time and living in the middle of nowhere. The road to my cottage wasn't even graveled, let alone paved. The sign to get there was a wood slab nailed to a tree. It wasn't plowed in the winter unless I got up off my arse and plowed it with my truck. Which I only did when I had to leave for work or supplies. My hobbies include reading during the spring rain, gardening in my backyard during the summer, chopping wood during the fall and clearing snow during the winter.

I don't get much company. The odd time a guy from work stops over to shoot the shit. That's why it is always surprising to get a knock at my door. In the spring rain, it is very rare. So today as I sat and read in my living room, it took a good few bangs on the door for me to realise that I had to get up and answer it. Imagine my shock at finding a very soaked, unknown person standing on my porch. They looked relieved to see me for all of two seconds before both our backs were up. He was like me. I could smell it on him even with the impromptu shower he had just had. Wet dog. Yep. Werewolf.

"Can I help you?" I asked politely. He seemed wary, but more at ease that I didn't get hostile. He gave a quick bow of his head to defer dominance, just in case.

"Sorry. My car broke down just up your drive on the main road. I saw the sign for your place and hoped you had a phone that works." I surveyed his appearance. Well dressed, coat was warm and practical, clothes were clean and he wore a smartwatch on his right hand. That made him a lefty. He smelled like rain and smoke. He shifted uncomfortably under my gaze, not meeting my eyes. It wasn't like humans, he wasn't lying, he was trying to act submissive so I wouldn't feel threatened. I appreciated the gesture.

"Come in. Wait on the mat and I'll get you a towel." I backed into the house and went to the bathroom to grab a big brown bath sheet for him. I tossed it playfully over his head and collapsed on the couch to watch him.

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