Meet the Parents

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A/N Part 2 of Forever Younger... Same warning as previous

"Tu n'es pas serieux? Tes parents? Je vais etre malade... I think I'm going to be sick. You are crazy, mon amour." I ranted in the car next to him. I tried pouting but he just laughed at me.

"Come on Em. They have been bugging me for months now to meet my new boyfriend. You said it was okay if I told them I was with you, now we are reaping the rewards." He was sarcastic, but I ignored it as I watched the boring land pass us by. It was true, I did say we could label ourselves as boyfriends if it made him happy. I could tell it did.

"You said you wanted to go on vacation with me. This is different. It is taking forever to get there. How far did you say it was? What do you call it again? Christmas? Who is going to be there? Do I have to behave or can I show my teeth in front of them? I want to be able to have a snack if I want one. Will they mind if I don't eat anything? I mean food of course. I thought this holiday was for family? I suppose it is a human thing." I ranted as he grinned and drove the car. He had grown to love it when I couldn't stop talking around him. I rarely spoke to anyone else, so I supposed it made him feel special.

"Relax. It won't be long. Just my closest relatives will be there. It just means more food for me, so don't worry about it. I had my mum stock up on red wine for you. I didn't want to tell them over the phone about you so..." His voice trailed off and he looked a bit worried. I patted his hand comfortingly and he smiled over at me. I understood his reluctance. There was a chance of a blow out over this.

I watched as snowflakes began descending onto the roads around us, painting the world white. It was beautiful in it's cold freshness. It had been so long since I had celebrated Yule myself. I thought of winter as more of a nuisance for awhile now. It was inconvenient to hunt in and generally made wandering souls more scarce when I was forced to find my food. Now it just meant I had to pretend to be cold or risk making humans uncomfortable.

They frowned upon wearing t-shirts and shorts in the snow. Plus, blue skin was not a good look for me. I never seemed to realise that I was cold though. I would wander around until people stared at me in horror and crossed to the other side of the street. Leon just found it fascinating how I seemed not to notice that I was literally freezing solid. He said it felt neat to kiss someone who felt so cold in comparison.

We were pulling into a suburb of sorts again. This one unfamiliar to me, compared to my boyfriend's neighbourhood. I looked at the neat looking houses strung up with lights and fake reindeer. They all seemed into the holiday spirit. It was just turning to dusk when we pulled into a driveway. It was long and had numerous other cars already parked on it. I checked out the various makes and models with interest. Leon was teaching me about cars.

I helped him pull out the bags once we had stopped. He insisted on taking the heavier ones, despite the fact that he knew I was much stronger than him. Maybe it helped him keep the illusion that he was more powerful, bigger or stronger than I was. I didn't really care since I was lazy and didn't really want to carry the bags anyways. I followed behind with a few small gift bags and a shoulder bag that was also a cooler with food for his mum.

"Leon! My boy! Good to see you. Come in, come in." A very large, burly man waved us inside the warm house. We were divested of our bags so we could undress from our winter clothes. I heard a gasp as I pulled off my large fluffy jacket, turned to see what I assumed was his mum looking pale and was hauled into the kitchen with Leon suddenly.

"Leon, are you crazy!? You can't have relations with a minor. You could lose your job or worse, go to jail. I thought you were trying to get over this fetish of yours? You were doing so well...." His mum was genuinely upset and his dad hugged her to him tightly.

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