Chapter 4: Whatever you do...

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David and I walked to the end of the hall and up to a door with a note that read "critical condition Porter Robinson, age 21" on it. I looked over at David. "Do you think he is going to be alright?" I asked.

"Only time will tell... Hey and also, they don't want you to be in here for too long. He's not looking so good and he's unconscious." David said.

"I'll be quick, I just need to see him."

"I'll see you tomorrow Anton I guess since you'll be here all night I'm guessing," David told me.

"Yeah I'll be here all night. And you'll be back tomorrow, what is this your case or something?" I asked him.

"Yeah it is actually. My fellow officers and I think the man you hit your friend was drunk, but we don't know because he's dead... we'll I gotta get back to the station, see you tomorrow."

I stated at the door, grasping the cool metal handle and pulling it open. There was a man inside, who I'm guessing is the doctor.

"Hello sir. You are Mr. Zaslavski, correct?" He said to me.

"Yes that is me. But please call me Anton."

"Well Anton, my name is Dr. Eaton and I will be performing surgery on our patient Porter Robinson. I'll be back in 10 minutes, when I will be starting the surgery. Once I get back you will be asked to leave, okay?"

"Okay." I told him.

As Dr. Eaton walked out, I glanced over at Porter. His upper body is covered in a mixture of blood and flesh. His left leg is cut from his thigh down to his ankle. His right arm was wrapped in a reddish cloth. I'm guessing it's not supposed to be that color, and that it is in fact, bloodstained. I walk closer so I can see his face better. He has a cut on his cheek and minimal blood on his face which is a good sign. I lightly brushed my fingertips over his bandaged hand, feeling warmth through the thin fabric.

This is not the Porter I'm used to. I usually see him have a bright smile on his face, and his chocolate brown eyes alert. He just lays here, almost lifeless with at least 8 tubes connected to his body. I don't even notice the doctor walk back in because I'm so deep in thought. As I get up and walk out the door, I say," Thank you for letting me see him I needed that."

"Not a problem Anton. Once surgery is complete, I will come out and give you the news," Dr. Eaton responded.

I took the path that David and I walked earlier back to the ER waiting room where Sonny, Joel,and Dillon are waiting. Now it's time to tell them what happened. I pull my hood up over my head and put my head down as I walked into the waiting room only to be greeted by a surprise...

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2013 ⏰

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