Smut Generator Story

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Late one evening, Darkiplier was walking towards The hotel bathroom, tired from a long day spent recording YouTube videos with Castiel. Darkiplier sighed, exhausted but unwilling to sleep. Recently his nights had been filled with vivid dreams of hard thrusting Antisepticeye, stroking his gorgeous Ass with his Neck. Mmm, thinking about Antisepticeye was having an immediate effect on Darkiplier's anatomy. He loosened his clothes to stroke lightly at his Neck, and was just starting to enjoy it when Castiel came suddenly into sight. Thinking fast, Darkiplier ducked silently Inside a closet
As Castiel went on his way, Darkiplier paused to look around and realised that he wasn't alone. Antisepticeye was there beside him. He was about to speak, when he realised that Antisepticeye hadn't noticed his arrival. For good reason! Antisepticeye was sprawled half naked at Darkiplier's feet, groaning as though engaged in a bout of biting and rubbing his Ass vigorously. Darkiplier blushed and waited for Antisepticeye to finish, not quite resisting the urge to touch his own Ass in sympathy. Finally Antisepticeye's back arched and he climaxed loudly, crying out 'Darkiplier!' Darkiplier coughed.

'What are you doing here?' Antisepticeye said.

'I was just passing.' Darkiplier replied with an unconvincing smile.

'Oh well, I suppose you had to find out eventually.'

'Find out what?'

'That ever since we met I've been dashing in here to play with my Ass and pretend you were doing it.' Antisepticeye sighed, but didn't look too upset, perhaps because he'd spotted Darkiplier plucking thoughtfully at his own Ass. Darkiplier felt suddenly bold.

'Touching your own Ass is nice,' he said, 'but wouldn't you rather rub it against my Neck?' Antisepticeye's eyes grew huge.

'Of course, but I thought you wouldn't be interested.'

'What made you think that?'

'I've seen the nude photomanips of Sophia that you keep your cabin.'

'Oh, that. No, I made them for Castiel so he'd have something to do other than recording YouTube videos with me.'

'What's wrong with recording YouTube videos ?'

'Nothing, I'd just rather have a night of hard thrusting with you.'

Meanwhile . . .

. . . Emily was hanging around The hotel room when she heard a sudden cry from the direction of The hotel bathroom. Snapping immediately to alertness, she leapt up and dashed towards the sound. It sounded as though Antisepticeye was in serious danger! Within seconds, she'd almost reached the source of the cries. She dashed forward only to reel back at the sight of Darkiplier and Antisepticeye naked in front of her. Darkiplier was sprawled over Antisepticeye, trying to pull some sort of Harry Potter Wand out of his Balls!

'What's going on?' she said, shocked.

Darkiplier looked worried.

'This was hard thrusting Antisepticeye,' he said, 'when he asked me to use the Harry Potter Wand on him. I did, but then it got stuck.'

'It didn't mean stick it into my Balls, Antisepticeye complained, 'it's supposed to be used on your Dick.' Darkiplier tried to pull the Harry Potter Wand out again, and Antisepticeye groaned and kicked him.

Emily looked down at the struggling men. She felt slightly jealous. After all, she'd often wanted to try a little hard thrusting with Darkiplier herself. Still, Antisepticeye looked so helpless with the abused Harry Potter Wand sticking out of his Balls that she couldn't remain angry for long.

'Perhaps I should help,' she offered 'After all, it can't stay there forever.' Darkiplier looked up at her with a combination of embarassment and gratitude..

'I'll hold Antisepticeye by the Ear while you grab hold of the Harry Potter Wand.'

Nodding, Emily knelt and took hold of the Harry Potter Wand. It was slightly warm, as though Darkiplier had been using it on his Neck.

'Pull!' Darkiplier shouted.

'Ouch!' Antisepticeye cried as the Harry Potter Wand came out with a loud *thrust*.

'Thankyou Emily,' Darkiplier and Antisepticeye both said at once.

'No problem,' Emily said with a grin. 'Would you mind if I kept the Harry Potter Wand as a souvenir?'

'Yes, I would,' Antisepticeye said. 'I'm using it on Darkiplier tomorrow.'

'Ah well,' Emily said, regretfully. She gave a last saucy wink to Darkiplier and headed off in the direction of The hotel room. She'd be thinking about Darkiplier and the warm Harry Potter Wand for a long time to come.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2016 ⏰

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