What If

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~Chapter Fourteen~

{ What If }


"What if she doesn't like me?" I panicked. It was November 3rd , Sunday, and to take my mind off things, Ethan wanted me to meet his mom.

"Oh trust me, she will." Ethan's mom was a single parent, they lived out on this cute little countryside about 5 miles from Ashton. Ethan described his mom as spontaneous and carefree.

We pulled up on a dirt road, a big red barn and a white house stood side by side. Ethan had told me about how he was a country boy and a city boy.

Ethan opened the front door and I walked into a really clean and cute house. Picture frames hung down the halls and living rooms and it smelt like apple pie.

"Mom this is Melody." I was introduced to this short lady with dark curly hair. She looked about 40 and was a little plump.

"Finally I get to meet ya. I'm Laura but you just call me mama." Her blue eyes matched Ethan's but she had a southern drawl which told me his dad was probably a city guy.

I smiled at her and Ethan led me down the hall. I walked past a door with pink butterflies all over it. Ethan opened the door to find Grace playing with dolls.

"Hi!" She said happily.

"Hello." I smiled.

"You must be Melody. Ethan never shuts up about you." I laughed at Graces statement.

"And you must be Grace. Ethan tells me your his favorite." And she blushed and closed her door. The next door was June's door. She was twelve so hoped we weren't invading her privacy.

Ethan knocked.

"What do you want?" She said after opening the door. She was tall, except she had brown hair and her eyes were darker blue. She wore a black shirt with some band logo and ripped short shorts. She looked clearly irritated.

"June, this is Melody." Ethan said, I was surprised when June smiled and shook my hand.

"I love your scarf. Super cute!" Se giggled. I looked down at my purple scarf and took it off.

"You can have it if you'd like." I said.

"OMG really?" She seemed so excited.

"Yeah." I laughed. She looked at Ethan, held up one finger and pulled my arm into her room, closing the door behind us. Her room was like any seventh graders room, Posters of boy bands everywhere, a TV turned on to Nickelodeon.

"Out of all Ethan's friends, your my favorite." She looked at me,"but don't tell him I said you're cooler than him."

And she shoved me back out into the hall. I looked at Ethan and laughed.

"She loves when people come over." He said.

The house only had three bedrooms.

"Where is your room?" I asked confused.

"Oh haha follow me." He grabbed my hand and led me outside to he barn. It had a bunch of hay bails in it. A truck with tools all around it sat in the middle.

I gave him a questioning look before following him up a ladder. There was a platform above the ladder that was as big as my room. It had a bed in the corner with the bedspread all tangled up. A bookshelf with books and CDs sat next to a space heater. A small TV sat in the corner on a hay bail. A few pictures and football posters hung up on the old red walls. Sunlight crept through the cracks of the roof and made the dust in the air glitter.

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