Welcome To The Pack

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~Chapter Twenty~

{ Welcome To The Pack }


"Ethan please be careful." Melody's voice chattered. I looked at her and turned my attention back to the gaping hole of darkness the attic had to offer. I stepped up the breaking wood steps until I was submerged in black.

"Is there a light up here?" I asked Luke and Melody whom were at the bottom of the steps, waiting in anticipation.

"Yeah there should be a chain somewhere." Luke said. I could see in the dark but I didn't want to risk missing whatever was up here. I felt around for a chain when the attic hatch slammed shut.

"Guys!" I yelled. I got no answer back. Shit.

Was this a joke?

No. The fear in Melody's eyes was for real.

I turned my attention away from the hatch and found the cold chain. The dim light illuminated the boxes eerily.

"Anyone up here?" I growled.

"I almost had her alone." A gruff and deceiving voice echoed, followed by a dark figure.

He was tall , his eyes a dark shade of brown with hints of crimson red. His shirt fitted against his muscular biceps. He was a good few inches taller and he smirked creepily.

"Who the hell are you?" I asked, hoping to keep a distance.

"That's for me to know and for you to find out." He looked me up and down and shook his head,

"Omega huh? Lone Wolf. I could change that If you want." His voice menacing.

"Nah I'm good." I could feel my canines penetrating my gums and enlarging.

"We'll you're gonna need a pack if you want your lady safe." He grinned.

"You aren't going to lay a finger on her." I snapped.

"You know I really fancy her, she would make a great mate." The shadows from the light made his face look more malevolent than before.

"You did not just say that." My blood was boiling.

"I sure did. Just imagine , she would be one hot werewolf. I want her. In addition to my pack." He crossed his arms and gave me a half smile that looked guilty.

I gritted my teeth and lunged at him. My claws thrashing through air as my amber eyes flashed against his red ones. He pushed me back with one hand and I flew into a box full of glass objects. He laughed evilly and the red in his eyes glowed. My claws etched and scratched against the wood floors in irritation. I got up quickly , my breathing making my chest heave in anger. His eyes were closed from laughing so hard at me. Mistake on his part. I darted at him with unmistakeable speed and clawed him across the face. He opened his eyes and growled furiously, his wound already beginning to heal itself. He reached out to kick and I ducked quickly, his foot missing my temple by mere inches. Instead he kicked the light , making the bulb burst.

I saw him with night vision like seeing. I got distracted and pinned up against the wall, boxes tumbling to my sides.

"You're lucky Luke is a lot more powerful and trained than you or I would already have Melody." He hissed in my face. I would talk but his elbow was digging into my neck as I was lifted off the ground. I felt my skin near my stomach being penetrated by sharp claws. I grunted in pain as the gashes went across my chest. I felt blood began to seep into my shirt and just like that , the alpha was gone. I slumped to the ground and my head rested against the wall. I tried to calm my breathing so the healing process would trigger. A bright light filled though room and Melody and Luke rushed in.

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