The Wolf and Tiger Families

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When I first got the Sims 2 game, I was naïve to the genre itself, but I knew from the get go, I wanted to make my own town. I did not want to use the towns already installed, so I created my own town called Magic Moon. To those that were wondering, my first game was Sims 2 the base game, and Sims 2: Pets. I got later expansions as I went along.

The first family created was the Tiger family, which consisted of a single mother, and her five children. There were three daughters and two sons. I gave everyone in the family black hair and green eyes. The family consisted of Angel (mother), Kiba, Kisa, Tala, Kisha, and Neko.  During this time I was downloading some CC as well, so I had pretty good content to work with.

The second family I created was the Wolf family. They consisted of a husband and wife, along with four children. Two girls and two boys. The father had green eyes and black hair, and the mother had blue eyes and brown hair. I mixed up the genes of both parents to get their children. The parents were Lobo (father), Tala (mother), Apollo, Athena, Zeus, and Hera.

From there, and my other installations, these two families are always brought back. Here is some of the shenanigans I went through with the families. Some things are different while others stayed the same.

First Installation version: I created just the two families at first, and they were the sole members of the town, until I created more families. They were next door neighbors, and I worked on getting Kisa with Apollo. When I got university, I had them go to the same dorm, and my work was rewarded when the two got married, and they had a daughter. Sadly, my game glitched and I was forced to uninstall it.

There is really no second version of the installation, because I was only able to keep it on my computer, before my computer broke. :(

The third installation (my actual favorite of the time played with Sims 2): Once again, I brought these two families back for the game, and had more CC and more expansion packs to play with. I made much more progress on the games, and got most of the Sims where I wanted them to be.

Kisa married the Apollo, again, after I had them live in the dorms together. They were on their way to being a family again, and Kisa was pregnant with her first child. I was excited, because I got the two of them back together again. In the same dorms, I had Kiba and Tala, along with the Athena living together. When Tala Wolf came to visit, she always hit on Kiba Tiger, and one time she hit on him, a ghost scared the daylights out of her. Kiba had green eyes and black hair, which I had given Lobo Wolf, and made Tala Wolf attracted to that.

On Kiba's side, he was a bit of a loser, and every girl I mostly put him with, ended up rejecting him. During that time, I had created a dark-skinned single mother, along with her sister, who were living in my town. I had Kiba flirt with her, but she rejected his advances. However, once Kiba graduated from University, she accepted his advances. The woman's sister had moved out, and the woman was on her own, with her daughter. Kiba became a loving step-father to his step-daughter. The woman and Kiba ended up with a biracial daughter, and they adopted two dogs that ended up with puppies. Kiba's wife ended up saving her teenaged daughter from the Grim Reaper, which was the highlight for me, because they hadn't been getting along too well before that.

Kiba and Kisa' sister Tala, and Apollo's sister Athena were single for the most part of the game. Until I created a male Sim for Tala to date. I had to delete the game, before I could see the progress. I was working on getting Athena a husband as well.

Kisha, Neko, Zeus, and Hera did not have much going on, except that I had them move to the dorms. The four were in the same dorms, and got along with each other fairly well. They mostly just sat in the game, until I decided what to do with them.

For the parents, I had plans for them as well. Lobo and Tala still wanted children, so I used some cheats to give them the ten children they wanted. They mostly just had daughters, because that is what the game mostly gave me. Their final set of children were boys, which was before the game was deleted. During that time, Lobo wanted to raise ten puppies and kittens, which I had him adopt over time. Every time a kid moved out, they would get another pet. Lobo was raising his fourth pet, but sadly I had to delete my game, so I never got to the end with that. For Angel, I created a younger Sim for her to date, they got along and he eventually moved in with her. She ended up having two twin daughters with him, again I used the cheat to get twins. She ended up adopting two great Pyrenees mountain dogs. I made the breed from my own dog species, and the two dogs Angel adopted ended up having puppies. Angel and her new family, along with her older children, had a pretty good life.

The fourth installation (pretty short, sadly): By this time, I had all the Packs, except for the Ikea stuff Pack. I had just gotten the Apartment Expansion Pack, and decided that instead of houses, me Sims would live mostly in Apartments. The biggest reason was so that they could interact sooner than having to move them into the dorms. Meaning, I could get my couples together sooner. Once again, Angel was a single mother with five children, and Lobo and Tala lived with their four children. The two families got along very well, and Kisa and Apollo started dating much sooner. I had moved Kisa, Kiba, Apollo, and Tala Tiger to the dorms, until once again I had to delete the game. It kept taking up too much computer battery.

Hopefully, someday, I can download the game and keep the characters until they are old and die. I want to get through as many generations as I can. Next time, I hope I can make Angel, Lobo, and Tala Wolf into great grandparents, instead of grandparents.

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