not the answer i wanted.

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I look in too her eyes I think she's in shock, 

Well i sure i would be too I wrap my arms around he, needing her to say something , anything,  

"So?" i ask. 

"S-so what?" she says looking at me, 

"What are you thinking?" i ask, i just really need to know, I don't get a answer and that is sacreing me, 

I look around a few people are watching us, gosh, does she have any idea how much she means too me?  Its killing me waiting for her too do something. 

"Sophia please say something."i begg desprate 

"I---i--dont--know."  she says shaking her head,

"You don't know what?" i say, if i could just make her understand make her see.

"Do you mean it?" she wispers looking up at me, 

"Of course i do Sophia i love you." i say and yes i was sure i mean it, i have never been so sure of anything in my whole life as i was sure i was in love with her.

But this time i don't give her time too say anything, I pull her up too kiss me, hopeing she realizes i really do love her, i know its crazy but i know what i feel, Its more than the bond mates have different than anything I've ever felt before and i have too say I really like this feeling. 

I break the kiss and look down at her, panting, she is still just looking at me in shock. 

"Sophia?" i mubble next too her ear. 

"No"she says 

"No what? that is you're name right?" i say trying to laugh. 

"Duh, i mean no" she says droping her eyes to the ground, I pull back watching her face, the shock is gone but i think I'm wearing that look now. 

"" i say,  

"No, i can't do this..i won't ..." 

"Did i freak you out I'm sorry.i won't say it again." i say 


"Sophia why are you doing this too me!" 

"I'm sorry..i really am...but i don't want that.this or you" she says  and with those words i felt my heart break , 

"B--but you did..why?" i say lost of all hope 

"No i liked that someone wanted too take care of me i guess but no not ....thats why I'm stoping this now" 

"Too bad..I'm not" i say, how could i just give up on her?!

"Please Kyle.just leave me alone." she says in a small voice the she takes a few steps back. 

She just rejected me and danm did it hurt. 

"Please dont do this"i beg. 

"No Kyle this 'us' its over okay?" 

I say nothing. 

But i run off leaveing her just standing there not wanting her or anyone else too see me cry. 


My Alpha Mate I Hate (Editing/rewriting. )Where stories live. Discover now