Chapter 4

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    The next day, Arabella wanted to spend some time with me so she decided to take and show me the church that the wedding will be at. The church was so beautiful. It almost looked like a castle. I listened to her as she showed and told me her ideas on where everything would be.

"It's going to be a beautiful wedding, Arabella. I like how you dream so big." I said to her with a smile.

"I have been dreaming for this day to come since I was 8." She responded with a chuckle.

I was in kind of a gloomy mood and she noticed.

"You look unhappy. Am I boring you?"

"No, not at all. It's just that I've been a little down lately." I explained with a shrug.

"Why is that?" She asked curiously.

I really didn't want to tell her about Liam blowing me off, but there was something else that I've been quite puzzled about that I needed to ask her.

"What happened to Harry after I left?"

Arabella looked at me with confusion. "Harry is what you're upset about?"

"No, I've just been... wondering."

"Okay, well after you left, he actually moved back home. College didn't go well for him. He was failing his classes and then he got kicked out for some unknown reason." She informed me.

He got kicked out of college? That really does suck. I knew that Harry was an idiot, but I didn't expect him to get kicked out of school!

"Why do you think he got kicked out?" I asked.

"I don't know. He never told us." Arabella responded.

I frowned. "He must've been so devastated."

"Are you kidding me? He was practically depressed. He never smiled and he would always go out and get drunk. But when you came back, he actually smiled. I haven't seen him that happy in a while."

Harry had defiantly been through some deep shit, but I didn't understand why I would make him smile. We hated each other, we're enemies.

My phone suddenly started to ring and I excused myself before going outside to answer it.


"Hey, Avery. It's Liam."

I sighed. "Oh, it's you."

"Look, I know you're upset—"

"Upset? Liam, I'm pissed! I sat for 45 minutes by myself like an idiot waiting for you!" I said with anger.

"I know, but just let me explain—"


"My sister had to be rushed to the hospital, okay?! And I couldn't contact you because my phone died."

I immediately stopped. I felt guilty for the way I acted.

"I-I'm so sorry, Liam. Is your sister okay?"

"Yes, she's fine, but I can't forgive myself for not being able to call you. I hurt you."

I smiled to myself. "You're so adorable."

I heard him chuckle. "So, do you think you could give me another chance?"

I bit my lip. "Definitely."


    Zayn and Arabella stared Harry and I down from across the table as we sat in silence. Harry then spoke up.

"So... you wanted to talk to us?"

"Guys, Zayn and I both know that you two are not the best of friends." Arabella started.

"So, we ask of you one favor that we would love for the wedding." Zayn continued.

"What's that?" I questioned.

Zayn and Arabella glanced at each other before Arabella spoke. "We want you to at least try to be nice to one another. We know how rough you two can get, so just try to act like friends. Plus, you will be walking down the aisle together."

Harry and I both looked at each other at the same time before quickly looking away.

"We wouldn't want to ruin your wedding. All we want is the best for you." Harry explained as I nodded in agreement.

They smiled at us.

We then got up and walked outside to leave. Harry and I just walked in silence. It was awkward.

"Harry," I said while stopping, causing him to stop and look at me. "I feel like we should at least try to be friends. I mean, I wouldn't want to be the cause of destroying their wedding."

He nodded in agreement. "Yeah, let's try."

"Alright, so..... how was college?"

I noticed that he clenched his jaw in anger. "It sucked."

Dammit, why did I have to ask that?! I guess I was just too curious.

"I-I'm sorry to hear that." I stammered.

He shrugged. "It's fine. I'm just glad you didn't have to go through it."

We both smiled at each other before we began walking again.

"So..." I heard him say. "Got anything special going on?"

"Um yeah, I have a date with Liam."

Harry then stopped again and so did I.

"You're going out with him again after all he did to you?" He asked me.

I slightly looked down, not wanting to look him in the eye. "Look, I know that he didn't show up, but he apologized."

Harry started to get angry. "And so you just give in to him because of an apology?"

"No, it's not like that. He said that the reason he didn't show up was because his sister was rushed to the hospital, and he couldn't call me to cancel because his phone died." I explained as I looked up at him.

He sighed. "Fine, whatever." He then walked off, leaving me there by myself.

~ Somebody's a little peanut butter and jealous ;) just so y'all know I did NOT make the picture of Maia and Harry above, I wish I had those skills tho ~

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