Chapter 6

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Casey’s P.O.V

It’s almost 11 o’clock. I decided not to go to school cause I had a headache and a fever. I was on the couch with Ashton who offered to take care of me. We were watching Cars.

“What else do you want to do” I asked him, this was really boring, even though I was sick.

“This” He smirked. He climbed over to me and started making out. I didn’t stop him though. We continued and we laid back then all of a sudden the stereo turned on and sex started playing.

“Well there’s the remote” I smiled but we went straight back. I quickly lifted his shirt up, I didn’t see this slowing down anytime soon. He did the same and we just continued. OKAY WE ALL KNOW WHERE THIS IS GOING.

We ended up asleep on the couch while the stereo was playing.

Amber’s P.O.V

I was sent home at lunchtime because of my behaviour yesterday. It’s not like Stacy died. I headed home hoping Casey was feeling better. I got to our level and heard music playing from our place. I got to the door and opened it. I looked around and there were clothes everywhere. Ashton’s head quickly popped up off the couch as well as Casey.

“Hi” They said at the same time going all red.

“I’ll give you guys five” I quickly shut the door and ran to my car. I was now going couch shopping because there was no way I was sitting on that ever again. I got in the car and headed down to the shops, I couldn’t believe that they had sex on the couch. I decided to just get a recliner chair for me to sit in. I was the only one allowed to sit in it. I drove home, hopefully they would have cleaned up.

Brian’s P.O.V

I was going to ask Amber to the prom but she left early today. I decided to go to her house and take her out. I knew that the prom was only a week away. I pulled on her lot there was a moving truck there. I walked up to her floor the couple were getting the keys.

“Hi, I’m Bec and this is Harry we just moved” This red headed girl whom I’m guessing was Bec smiled.

“Hi, I’m Brian, nice to meet you” I opened Amber’s door and went inside. I didn’t really want them to think I lived here.

“Oh hey Brian” Casey smiled. Something must have been up there was a new chair in here. I walked over to the couch. Amber walked out with her hair in a messy bun and track pants and a crop top sport bra thing.

“Don’t sit on that couch” She yelled just as I was about to sit down.

“Why” I got up quickly looking at it.

“I’ll tell you later, plus what are you doing here” Se came over and gave me a quick kiss.

“I was going to take you out for dinner” I smiled at her.

“Oh really, well let me get ready then, I was just about to go for a run, I would only of been about 10 minutes” She smiled.

“It’s okay, I’ll let you go for a run and sit here” I pointed to the new chair in the room.

“Okay won’t be to long” She headed out the door.

Amber’s P.O.V

I just saved Brian from getting aids from that couch, I walked out to see a couple talking to Jean the landlord.

“Hi Jean” I smiled as I walked past her.

“Hi Amber, I want you to meet your new neighbours, this is Harry and Bec”

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