School Project

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So, I have this school project on study skills. Basically, we did this little survey thing which outlined six or so sections of study skills, and after doing it we each picked the two sections which needed the most attention.
The project is to look up ways to improve on those two topics, and make a Google slides presentation about it.
So, my first part was on note taking. I didn't take any notes for it, though.
I haven't started the part on time management. I was looking up how to avoid procrastination... But I figured I'll do it later.

Ha. Ha ha ha.
See how hard I'm laughing?
It's funny cause it's actually true. This is my actual situation right now.

It's 5 slides per topic, plus summaries and title slides, and the bibliography.
And I need to make it pretty, with pictures and stuff.

It's due on Wednesday and I'm only about halfway done.




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