Light and Darkness

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  Dawn wake up your going to be late for school!!!"   Chelsea my adopted mom  says as she storms into my room and turns on the light, I groan, cover my face with my pillow, and say with a muffled voice "just five more minutes!!" 

    "No now come on it's your first day at your new High School you don't want to be late do you?"  She asks yanking my pillow away and pulling off my blankets. 

     "Ahh mom I'm up, I'm up why'd you pull the blankets off it's freezing!!!!!"  I say teeth chattering. 

     "Oh  don't be such baby it's not that cold."  Mom says as she walks out of my bedroom wearing a sweater. 

  "Gurr" is all I say as I start getting ready for the day.  First I shower then, outfit, and lastly teeth, makeup and hair today I decided to do just a simple braid down the middle of my back. then I glanced at the clock and realize there's no time for breakfast, so I grab my skateboard yell a goodbye as I race out the door and slide down the railing of my house and skate off to school.

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