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     I get to school just on time, and go to the office to ask for a schedule of my classes.  As usual I don't see why though, we'll probably move in about six months or so again just like we have everywhere else. I wish I could do online school or something.  That way I won't loose all my friends over and over again. Well not this time.  I'm so sick of loosing my friends, so here I just won't make any, that way I won't loose them.  Suddenly I hear the bell go off.   I look up and realize that while I was in my dream world I lost track of where I was heading, and now I have no idea where I was.  I suddenly hear someone walking down the hall and I turn, and see the hottest guy ever walking over to me with another guy who was good looking, but not nearly as the other one.  I snap out of staring at him when I realize he was talking to me, I flush bright red and ask for him to repeat what he had said while I wish I could melt into the floor.

       He then said again, "Hey I'm Matt, this is my brother Daric I asked if you were new here, and if you needed help finding your way to class."  He then stuck out his hand for me to shake I took it and say, "Hi I'm Dawn.  I am new here, and lost my way.  I don't even know where my locker is!"

       He laughs, then says with another laugh "yeah that's what happens to everyone on their first day.  Isn't that right Daric."

       " Yeah sure."  Daric says, then sticks out his hand for me to shake.  I shake it and get this weird feeling that something should of happened, and by the look he had on his face he felt the same way.  I shake it off and look back to Matt and let my hand drop back to my side after shaking Daric's hand. 

        "Hey what's your locker number?"  Matt asks with a smile.

         I say. "Umm my locker number is, I look down at my schedule and say number 285."

        "Sweet!!!" Matt says.  "That's right next to Daric's and my lockers." he says.

       "Cool" I say.

     "Yeah here let me show you it's right up here."  He says as he takes my hand and leads me down the hall stopping in front of a few lockers and said  "here's your locker."

      "Thanks" I say.

      " Yeah sure, hey what's your first class today?" Matt asks.

      "Uhhh, history." I say as I look down at my schedule today.

      "Cool me and Daric are in that class we'll show you the way there." Matt says.

     "That's great thanks!!" I say with a smile.

    "So want to go?" 

      "Sure."  I say with a laugh because he held out his arm like a gentleman.  So I took his hand after dropping off some of my books in my locker and headed off to class with him and Daric.

      This is how the day went, Matt and I would talk and joke, and he show me to my classes, while Daric would silently follow behind us.  I hadn't forgotten about that handshake and the way I felt like something should of happened.  At lunch I was alone with Matt for a couple of minutes, because Daric had brought his own lunch while me and Matt didn't so in line I asked him about Daric thinking about the handshake and how the two of them look nothing alike, but are brothers.

       Here's how it went; "Hey Matt."

     "Yeah Dawn."

     "Why doesn't Daric talk very much?"

   "Oh that, well.... he's  technically not my brother.  He's my foster brother and has been for about a year.  He doesn't know what happened to his real parents, but he was once adopted, and his adopted parents died in a fire when he was six, and he's been in the foster system ever since."

   "That's horrible!" I say with a voice filled with sadness.

   "Yeah, I've been trying to make hi feel at home here so he doesn't try to run away from here like he did from his others." He says with a sad smile.

    After we get our food I head with him over to a table, where I guess his friends like to sit cause when they saw him the all lifted up their hands and all yelled out hellos.  We sat down and Matt introduced me to everyone, there was Michel, Aaron, Harris , Shelby, Becah, and of course Daric.  I laugh and talk to everyone and made plans to go to the mall with Shelby, and Becah. Then the bell rang signaling the end of lunch I got up and said goodbye to all the guys, and went with Shelby and Becah to class because the guys didn't have culinary class. (That's cooking class. :])  I had a great rest of the day going to class with my new friends.  Yes I know I said I wouldn't make any friends, but I guess that's easier said then done I guess.  

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