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"Answer it," Red said pointing at the phone. "Hello?" Oliver asked cautiously. "Oliver?" Alexis mumbled between tears.
"Alexis, are you alright? Why are you crying?"
"Wait no." Alexis yelled at someone. "Times up. Oliver if you ever want to see your girl again," The voice said.
"If you hurt her I will kill you and I'll make sure it's slow and painful," Oliver said in a low threatening voice.
"Your in no place to threaten, Oliver. Come find her or I'll send her back in pieces. You have 48 hours starting now," The voice hung up. Oliver threw the phone at the wall and walked back to his bag.
"Think Oliver!"
"I'm getting her back!"
"Not like this. He wants you rallied up. You'll be dead before you get out of your car even if you could find her."
"I'm not going to sit here!"
"Then take a moment and think what's the smart choice to do."
He paused for a couple minutes.
"The office!"
He picked up Alexis's keys and ran out the doors. "Who is that guy and what does he want with her?" Oliver asked driving to the precinct.
"Lucifer. He's the guy I'm trying to stop but I can't find him."
"If you help me get Alexis back I'll help you stop this Lucifer."
"Deal. So how are you getting into the precinct?"
"Don't know?"
"Your going need a plan."
"I'll come up with something."
Red pulled out his phone and texted a couple people.
"I've got a backup plan if yours fails."
"It won't."
"It will."
"Thanks for that vote of confidence."
He pulled up a block away from the precinct. "So you got a plan?" Red said jumping out of the car with Oliver.
"Let's hear it."
"I hack into the precinct's security and rewind there cameras back. Then I walk in and get the files and walk out."
"Simple yet stupid."
"You got anything."
"Call in a bomb threat?"
"No it won't work."
"Fire alarm?"
"Needs to be an actual fire for the alarms to go off."
"Make one then."
"How would that work?"
"You hack in, I sneak in and make fire then you slip in through all the chaos and get the file then walk out."
This is stupid Oliver. Don't do it. Oliver thought walking inside the precinct. There wasn't many people inside and Oliver had hacked into the security cameras so he didn't have to worry about them. Red was already in the building making a fire somewhere. A group of officers came out of the elevator right in front of Oliver. Oliver had to jump behind a desk so he didn't get spotted. That was close. Just have to get to the 4th floor. Oliver thought walking up the stairs "2nd, 3rd,4th," he said breathless. Oliver opened the door there was nobody inside. He ran over to his desk and grabbed the case file off of Alexis's desk and open her laptop. Password damn. Um her cat's name. Oliver thought typing in her cat's name. Nope, let's try Ollie. He typed Ollie into it and it unlocked. My nickname is her password. He thought looking though the lab reports. These reports are false. Why would they be false? Let's try this. Oliver typed something into the computer and the reports changed. "Got you, now let's print this and get out of here." The elevator open and four security guards walked out. This just got interesting. The fire alarm went off. Oliver grabbed his paper from the printer. "Fuck, whys the alarm going off? We have to be quick," one of them said. They turned on the lights and started swiping the area. He looked at his phone which had the security feed on the screen. He played it back to a minute before they came in. Shit, you can see me. Well that didn't last as long as I thought it was. Oliver jumped under a desk and waited until a guard came near him. He grabbed him and through him at the ground and pined him. "You say a word and your dead." Oliver whispered into the guards ear. "Oliver" the guard said.
"What did I say."
Oliver hit him in the face. The guard passed out. He took his knife and walked around the desk. He heard a gunshot go off behind him and spun around to see what it was. The guard flipped Oliver on the ground and disarmed him. The knife went flying and stuck into a desk. He kicked the guard off and got up to his feet and jumped behind a desk. Another guard shot the desk Oliver was hiding behind. He opened the drawers looking for a gun. He crawled to another desk while getting shot at. He open the top drawer and grabbed a gun he jumped out from behind and shot off four rounds. He heard someone moan and fall to the ground. Oliver heard a gun click behind him and felt the cold metal of the barrel pressed against his head. He took a sharp breath in and felt a chill run down his spine. His breath caught in his throat and felt his heart beat so fast that he thought it was going burst. "Drop the gun, Oliver" someone said behind him. He laid the gun down slowly and pushed it away. "Hands behind your head."
He did what the guy asked. The glass shattered and two guys in tactical gear came through the window. "Drop your weapons!" One of the guys said. They raised their assault rifles and shot one of the police officers that was about to shoot them. The police officers opened fire on the guys in tactical gear. Oliver crawled behind Alexis's desk and grabbed the case file
and grabbed her badge. Oliver closed his eyes and waited until the gun fire was over. "Hey, Oliver it's alright" One of the guys in the tactical gear said.
"Who are you and what do you want with me!" Oliver yells at them not moving at all.
"My name is Seamus Jones, you've heard of me I'm with the agency and you have been activated by Jane. I've been watching you making sure she didn't make a mistake picking you, but it seems to me your doing alright. Can you just come out?"
"Okay I'll come out."
"Make it quick there's more people on they way. I don't know how long my men can hold them off without killing them."
"There's a lot of people coming your way we can't stop them. Get out now! We might get out clean." Seamus's radio said. "We have to go now. I'll answer your questions later but you have to come with us if you want to make it out of here alive."
Oliver walked over to him and grabbed some gear from Seamus's hand and put it on. "This doesn't mean I trust you." Oliver said clipping on to the rope that the guys used to crash though the window.
"I know but I'm your best choice of survival. Pull us up."
The door and the elevator open and tons of police officers rushed in with their guns out. Oliver and the others jumped out of the window and were pulled up to a helicopter. The officers open fire on them. Oliver was hit just above the hip. Someone pulled them into the helicopter and told him to keep pressure on the the wound. Oliver put pressure on the wound and helped the Seamus take the gear off of him. He closed his eyes. He felt a soft fabric wrapping around his waist. Seamus and another person was yelling to each other.
"We can't take him back to HQ," the other guy yelled.
"He'll bleed out before we get him to a safe house. We have no choice."
"What if your right and about Lucifer tracking him?"
"Let's just hope I'm not or were all dead. Let's get him to HQ and pray he makes it."
"It's still an hour from here."
"This won't stop the bleeding."
"You got any other crazy ideas?"
"We burn the wound. It will hurt like a bitch but it just might save his life."
"Anyone got a lighter?"
The pilot tossed him a lighter.
"I'm always prepared," She said.
"How do we do this?"
"I don't know? I've only seen it done in movies."
"You got to be kidding."
Seamus cut his shirt off.
"Put your body over his chest and hold him down because this is gonna hurt. He began to burn Oliver. Oliver opened his eye and fought Red. He lashed out trying to get away from fire. Red was trying to hold him down but Oliver was twice his size and kept getting pushed off by Oliver.
"I said hold him down! I'm burning him."
"I'm trying but it's hard."
"You need to hit the gym more often then."
"Shut up and keep burning!"
Seamus chuckled.
He finished and grabbed a bottle of water. He poured some then drank the rest. Red but the wrap back on him and clipped it close.
Oliver opened his eyes.
"What did you do?" Oliver asked.
"Besides save your life?" Seamus said.
"It wasn't that bad when you finally stopped moving."
"I thought you were dead," Red said leaning against the chair.
"When did you get here?"
"This was my back up plan for when yours failed."
"I can't believe we used to work together. I'm surprised I didn't kill you."
"Oh trust me you tried. You almost did a couple times but when you two got along you two were unstoppable. You two are my best agents," Seamus said getting into a chair behind him. Oliver and Red were sitting on the floor of the helicopter.
"When we were on a mission, we got along quite well," Red said.
"We're here."
They landed on the roof of a tall skyscraper. It had a huge sign that said STRIKE on it. The sign was blue and had a bullet smashing through glass in the background.
"You guys went full out on the sign," he said.
"I think it looks good," Seamus said climbing out of the helicopter.
"Yep the bad guys won't know that this is the building that the agents work in."
"You were on board with the sign idea," The pilot said stepping out the chopper. Oliver was standing beside the door. The pilot had long blonde hair that fell down to middle of her back. She had high cheek bones with dark red lipstick on. She looked like she should have been a model.
"Don't mess with her, she has kicked your ass multiple times," Red said walking in front of him.
"Let's get you suited up, Oliver."
Oliver looked around the roof. It was grey and had bricks stacked against the sides. He had a flashback to the last time he was on the roof.

"Red, get your slow ass on the chopper. We don't have all day!" Oliver yelled at Red. He was running to the helicopter with a duffle bag over his shoulder. Oliver was wearing a dark blue suit jacket with a black tie and a white dress shirt. He had two pistols strapped to his hips. The girl was piloting the helicopter. Red came bursting through the door with a folder in his mouth and a pistol in his right hand. He had on the exact same suit as Oliver. Red had blood on his right sleeve.
"Start the damn helicopter!" Red yelled at the girl. She fired up the engine and put on a helmet.
Two more guys came running after Oliver and Red. One of them started to fire at Oliver. Another one ran to the helicopter.
Oliver jumped inside the helicopter.
"Take off now!"
The helicopter started to left off the ground. Red started running faster. The helicopter moved away from the building. Red jumped off the building and Oliver caught his hand.
"I've got him. Go!"
They flew off. The two guys kept shooting at them until they ran out of bullets. Oliver lifted Red into the helicopter.
"Got the file?" Oliver asked between breathes.
"Of course," he said, spitting the file out of his mouth.
"Gross but you got it."
"Another job done."
"One step closer to finding Lucifer."
They read the file.

Seamus yelled at Oliver.
"Get inside."
"Yeah I'll be there."
He walked inside of the building. He walked down to the third floor.
"Why do I always get shot at?"
"Your an idiot that's why," the girl said when he walked inside the room. The walls were a dark shade of grey. The floor was a reddish brown hardwood. There was a huge table with ten chairs tucked under the table. The table was a lighter colour than the floor. The chairs were leather coloured black and there was a wall that was covered by a collection of data on Lucifer that was being projected onto the wall in front of the table.
Everyone was gathered at the table looking over the notes.

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