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Oliver slammed his hand down on the table. "Do you guys have any idea where he would have taken her?" Oliver asked.
They all shook their heads.
Oliver ran a hand though his hair and sighed. "We have just over a day to find her then he's going to kill her!" Oliver yelled.
"Maybe you should just let it go. We're in now shape to fight Lucifer and even if we fine where he is, what makes you think he will keep her alive?" Red said standing up.
"She alive."
"Maybe but I don't think she is. Why don't we have a break, we've been at this for almost 12 hours. I'm tried and hungry. You could use some sleep."
"Oliver, Red is right. There's a very small chance that she's still alive. Just take a break. We all could use some food and sleep," Seamus said.
"I have to find her. She's somewhere in this city. I just need to think."
"Oliver, take a break."
"No! I can't. This is all my fault."
Red put a hand on his shoulder. "One hour then we can all get back to work."
"You guys can take a break."
"Just go."
Oliver walked out of the room. Red watched him leave. They all got up and left the building. Oliver was in the bathroom starring at the mirror.
"This is all my fault. If I hadn't took her on as my partner. I won't be alive but she would." He smiled and thought about the first time he meet her.

He walked into the training camp for the detective job. There where about 20 people in the class. There was only one seat left. He walked over to the seat and sat down beside this girl. She was beautiful. She had long hair tied into a ponytail and was wearing a blue dress shirt with black jeans that hugged her curves. She looked at him and said "I'm not here to make friends, so don't even try."
"Neither am I, so we should get along well. I just want to become a
detective so don't expect any help from me."
She smiled at him then looked away. The captain walked into the class and started calling out names and throwing track suits at the people who's name was being called.
"Adain?" The captain called out.
Oliver raised his hand. The captain threw a track suit at him. Oliver missed it and it hit him in the face.
Alexis laughed at him. He picked it up off the floor.

Everyone walked down a hallway and up the stairs to the bedrooms. The captain told that there would be no guy and girl roommates. Everyone picked their rooms and roommates. Alexis picked the room across from Oliver. She came outside her room at the same time as Oliver. "It's Adain, right?" Alexis asked walking towards him. "Yes, Oliver Adain," Oliver said sticking his hand out.
"Alexis Dark."
She smiled and shook his hand. "Looks like that bag cut you," she said pointing to a small cut under his left eye.
"I thought something hurt. Where?"
"By your eye."
He felt under his right eye then above his left.
"No, here." She grabbed a piece of tissue paper from her room and put water on it from her water bottle. Then wiped it over the cut.
"That stings but thank you."
She walked into her room which was across from his. He watched her as she shut the door behind her.

Oliver looked back at himself. "Always."
He sighed and left the bathroom. Red was waiting outside the door with a brown food bag in his right hand. "Thought you might be hungry?" Red said handing him the bag.
"You always say thanks never thank you, why?"
Oliver opened he bag and started eating a burger. He shrugged. They went into the office room. Oliver sat down and kept eating. Red brought up a broad of what they know on the screen behind Oliver.
"There's something we're missing," Red said looking at the board. "But what?" Oliver said between bites.
"Where's the case file on the bombings and your murder?"
"Back at Alexis's house. Why?"
"They have to be connected in some way."
"I guess. Alexis was looking into that. She believed that the two were connected somehow. Maybe she found out how and that's why she was kidnapped. Red your a genius lets go." Oliver put down the rest of his fries and ran out the door. Red watched him run. "Where are we going?" Red called out after him. Red shrugged then reached over and grabbed Oliver's fries and started eating them, while following Oliver.

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