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My name is Jenna, and I'm 15 years old, not many friends, but like all shy people they...don't seem to get many friends. I go to Northscale High School, in the 9th grade. Yes I do have parents but they fight a lot. I have a sister who is 17 years old, she's a little miss bossy pants. I had an older brother who died in a car crash, he was the best brother in the world, but I don't mention this news a lot.

"Jenna! Jenna!" My mom shouted. I was tired of them always screaming  at me but I was kind of used to it. I put my book down and let out a big breath, "yes mom?" "Go take the trash out!"  I rolled my eyes and got up and slipped some shoes on. I walked down to the kitchen and went to the garage. I grabbed the trash and walked down to the end of the driveway.
   I felt a shiver and glanced over across the street and saw a man looking strait at me. I felt a little uncomfortable so I quickly went back inside trying not to make it look like I was scared of him. When I got inside I went to my room and looked out the window to see if he was looking still. I jumped back and shut the blinds. I ran to my sisters room, "-did you see
-the guy, -like hes... "Don't worry Jenna, he's crazy,  he's been doing this for years, it's called a psychopath." I tried to catch my breath but my heart felt like it was pounding out of my chest. 
   I calmed down and went downstairs to have lunch. "Hey dad, can I have a pb&j?" "Sure." Dad said with a smile. Dad was probably the nicest parent but yes like all dads they have to get on to their child when they have to, I learned that it was apart of life.
   After I ate I went back up to my room to read my book. I reminded my self of the creepy guy so I decided to read my book somewhere else. I went to the living room and sat on the couch and started reading. After a few chapters I had dozed off. I slept for what it seemed like forever , I had never done that but this time I did.

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