The Dream

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It was late in the evening and I was alone in the streets. As I walked down the sidewalk every street light shined in my path. I walk in between two buildings in a dark alley. I heard footsteps behind me and quickly turned around. There was no one there so I kept walking thinking nothing of it.
As I kept walking the footsteps got louder. I decided to stop and look around. I noticed a man sitting on a bench on the sidewalk a little ways in front of me. I went the opposite direction back towards the street. I kept my head down so that whatever came at me they might have a chance of thinking I'm just a normal kid.
I glanced behind me to see the guy on the bench but he wasn't there. I looked back forward and there he was at the end of the ally near the sidewalk just standing there. Looking directly at me, I could tell he was waiting for me. It reminded me of the creepy 'psychopath' that was my neighbor. I had to admit I was pretty nervous.
I turned back around and ran strait past the bench. My heart was pounding and my legs got weaker. I stopped, hoping I lost him, and luckily he was gone. I started to catch my breath and my legs felt better. I turned back around to head toward the street again.
But as soon as I turned around he was there. At that moment I wanted to scream but I couldn't. I couldn't move, and I defiantly couldn't think. The next thing I knew I was on the ground. After that I couldn't remember anything....

I woke up dizzy, shaky, and cold. I turned over and checked my phone. The time was 5:23 a.m. I put my phone down and got up. I started to walk away but I heard my phone go off.
I went back and looked at it. My friend had texted me. She said: hey are you up? I responded: yeah, why are you up so early?
There was no response. I got up and walked upstairs to my sisters room. I tried to open the door but it was locked. I went to my room and sat on the window seat. The room was dark and cold and the windows were foggy.
My phone went off and it was my friend. She said: I had a bad dream. I responded: so did I.
I looked on my bed and my book was still there opened to the chapter I left off. I briefly flipped through the pages noticing that there was a tear in each page. I closed the book and froze, starring at the book. There was complete silence in the room, you could hear a pen drop. I sat there waiting, suddenly the book shot up in the air and slammed against the window. I jumped back and felt a hand grab my wrist, I screamed in shock.
  I immediately turned around, it was my sister. I was breathing hard, my heart was pounding,  I felt like it was coming out of my chest. My sister was pale and frightened, wanting to know what happened.
  "Jenna! What...what happened! Are you ok? Are you hurt!?" My sister said. I was so shocked that I hardy could speak. I finally got the words out of my mouth. "I'm, I'm alright, probably just imagining things." I tried not to make it look like I was lying.
  My sister stood there staring at me, still with fear in her eyes.

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