Hermione x Reader- 13 Years

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Suggested by kseung

"Thanks, have a nice day," you said as your hand reached for the coffee. You paused as you looked at the barista's eyes.

"Hermione?" You said, instantly recognizing her sweet eyes. It had been a long time since the war. You were both 30 years old, now. You had dated her while at Hogwarts, when you were both 16. You hadn't even seen her since the war, when she was with Ron Weasley. You wondered if they had stayed together.

"Y/N." she said dramatically, as if seeing you would change something. As if it was fate.

You had to go to work, so you scurried hurriedly out of the coffee shop. Your day was long and tiring, and you had to deal with more crap from your stupid coworker.

You went right to bed when you got home. Not right to sleep, it was never that easy. You played on your phone for a while, and then laid in the darkness, deep in your own thoughts.

One girl was the main focus. Hermione Granger. You thought of your time together, when you dated in fifth year, how she dumped you for Ron. Of all the dumb, sad, or terrible things in your life, that had hurt the most. Hermione was your first love, but she threw you aside for someone else. You almost cried into your pillow as you remembered everything.

And then you thought about today. Locking eyes with her was by far the best part of your long, mediocre day. Usually, the days dragged on, each one similar to the day before, but today there was something different. Her eyes sent a ripple in your sea of monotony.


"Oh, shut up," you said as you picked up your phone and turned off the alarm.

You groggily rolled out of bed, and headed for the sink, where you brushed your teeth and did a mirror check. Looking good. You must be in an exceptional mood, you usually aren't that nice in the mirror.

You headed to the closet. For the first time in a while, you wanted to look good. You were going to see Hermione today, but you wanted to look good for you. Not for anybody else, not even gorgeous-eyes herself.

You threw on something real nice [I was gonna include detail but the reader can be any gender or body type so... you just looked hot, ok?]

You had gone to the coffee shop a little early, in case things went well. You were determined to talk to her. To get her number.

Unfortunately, she was nowhere to be seen. "Er, excuse me, is Hermione here? I'm a friend." You had tried to think of an excuse to tell her coworker, but you couldn't.

"I'm sorry, but we don't have anyone with that name working here. What can I get for you this morning?"

"Oh, that's okay." It wasn't okay, but you just shut up and ordered your coffee, as per usual. Maybe she's off on Tuesdays, you thought, but apparently she doesn't even exist.

** the next day **

There she was, working at the coffee shop. What did that guy mean, no one by that name working here? She was obviously right there, on the other side of the counter.

Today you had been prepared. You brought a piece of paper with your phone number on it.

When she handed you the coffee, your eyes met again. You slid her the paper. But you noticed something. Her name-tag said Rose, not Hermione. You had a revelation - this was a fake name, probably running from her past, but why? Wasn't she famous from being best friends with Harry Potter? You didn't know the whole story though, you haven't seen her since you were 17. Wow, 13 years.

On Tuesday, her off day, you met up at a park. You used a vacation day, you sure as hell needed a break.

"So, thirteen years, huh?" she said, reading your mind or something.

"Oh yeah, long time," you mentally cringed and facepalmed. You sounded like a cave man.

"What have you been up to?"

"Oh, not much. I'm a [job title] now. You? I mean, I know you're a barista, but what happened between Hogwarts and the coffee shop?"

"Oh, er- did you hear I was elected minister of magic? That was three years ago [a/n: don't fact check me, I don't know when or if it actually happened, cursed child is just fanfiction anyway]."

"Woah, really? I haven't been keeping up with the wizarding world. Is that why you changed your name?"

"Yes. I really got the vote because Harry Potter suggested me, and everyone was bitter about that. And no one would listen to me about elvish rights. Eventually, I just resigned. I moved here to escape. To forget. To hope no one would recognize me."

"Oh." You had recognized her for sure.

"Oh, not you, Y/N. I love that I got to see you."

That word, love. Hearing it from her mouth got the butterflies to flutter around in your stomach.

"How are the Weasleys?" You really just wanted to know if she was still dating Ron.

"Oh, I haven't talked to them in about a year now."

"Not even ... Ron?" Your curiosity always got the best of you, even when you were trying to play it cool.

"Oh, he and I dated for a while, but broke up after the war. We were good friends, but never fully loved each other in that way"

"Do you mean to tell me, you didn't even love the man you dumped me for?" It hurt to hear, it hurt to say, but it burned in your heart. She obviously had really wanted to get rid of you all those years ago.

"Oh, Y/N. I didn't dump you for Ron."

"Well, you sure went crawling for him pretty quick." Your voice was cold. The atmosphere was thick. The tension practically seeped from your bodies. You weren't sure if you wanted to yell at her for hurting you, or make out with her. You felt like a teenager again, crazy mood swings and hormones.

"I'm sorry. I was sad, confused, and quite honestly, he was a rebound."

"Oh, do you usually date rebounds for over a year?"

"Y/N! Come on, I'm sorry. He was also going through a break up with Lavender, and we were good friends, that's the only reason we were together so long."

"Fine, fine. Are you single now?" Gosh, your curiosity. Always popping up at the worst times.

"Yeah, are you?"


Neither of you said anything for a few minutes. You just stared at the ground. Eventually you looked up at her. Your eyes widened as you realized - she was crying.

"Y/N, one of my biggest regrets in life is breaking up with you. Please give me another chance. I won't blow it this time. I don't want to lose you again."

You had to let your thoughts catch up to you. You could barely think anything, let alone put together an intelligent sentence. Eventually you just said, "Okay."

You were almost mad at yourself for giving her another chance. What if she just dumped you again? But, what if she didn't? You weren't willing to miss out on her, like the last 13 years.

For the first time in fifteen years, you felt her lips on yours. There was no tongue or risque touching. They just softly connected, and then softly released. It was a kiss filled with love, regret, and hunger. It was a kiss that promised more to come.

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