My Mistake

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From that time I thought that Raghav was the best thing that happened to me. I found him flawless, loving and PERFECT. I told ramya, my female soulmate... Everything. How i was strangely attracted to him. And surprisingly i came to know that she liked a guy, from our class, the one who liked me. However, I couldn't tell this to her.
And life was quite normal for the next 10 days until he proposed.
Arihant, ramya's crush, proposed.
Perplexed, i wasn't sure.
I got into a relationship. Not knowing why or how. I loved raghav. More than arihant. And ramya. How could i do this to her?
I wasn't sure of anything going in my life.
Distances increased significantly in between Ramya and me. She didn't want to see me. I tried to talk to her, she was always ignoring.
At that moment i thought ramya deserved this. She never really was my friend. Or why she would desert me? Probably this assumption was my first mistake.

The Ordinary TeenagerWhere stories live. Discover now