it me

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aight so i'm just gonna make this chapter like an intro or something idk. SO. prepare for glorified bio.

my name's shay. i just turned 18 and it's fuckin wild because i'm actually 5.  i've got a younger sister, a cat, a dog, a mother who currently appears to be reformed but she's been pretty crazy/terrifying in the past, and an absolute jackass of a father (more on that in a sec).

anyway my dad left over a year and a half ago.  sort of. he kept coming back just long enough to fuck up absolutely everything. he likes to rationalize every mistake he ever makes and he refuses to admit he's done anything wrong. we actually used to be super close, but then around 2 years ago he flipped out and honestly the man that was my father died then. so that's been an experience, and now i've got these newly found abandonment and trust issues which are tons of fun. also, depression and anxiety like to make me wanna die. ALL GOOD FUN.

on a slightly lighter note, i really love star trek. and a bunch of bands and various nerd crap, but i would literally marry star trek. 

so yeah, buckle up and prepare for lots of Teen Angstand possible confused adulting. i must now take my leave bc the "L" key is not working well and i may throw my laptop out a window.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2016 ⏰

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